Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Challenges, a 1000 words, a baby, a neurotic cat and a hectic time of year

It has been 10 days of the 1000 word challenge and it has not been an easy task to set. On one of the days I didn't write any words at all so the next day decided to do double. It was tough going to say the least. But I do notice the times I write about things which are relevant to my own life or stuff I know about then the words flow quiet easily. It's not so difficult on such occasions.  It was said the author of Catch 22, Joseph Heller used to set himself the task of writing one page a day. I remember watching him give an interview a long time ago. Well it would of been a long time ago because he's dead now. Anyway, it was good to listen to what he had to say. It took him at least 7 years to write this first book, going backwards and forwards with his editor. In fact the original title of this book was to be Catch 18, but he decided to change this as "18" was used in another title of a book published a little earlier than his own. It's a ironic he should change the original title when his main character Yossarian of Catch 22 had many problems with bureaucracy, in effect, Catch 22 had become a Catch 22 of itself, because it couldn't be 18.

I caught up with Sparkling yesterday and she told me what life was like looking after Princess J. Who has a new freedom to move about now she can crawl. Her inquisitive nature means there is never a moment when Sparkling is able to sit down and rest. Princess J has to be entertained full time and if she can will refuse to take her afternoon nap. When returned to Rock Chick the little Princess shortly goes to bed and sleeps a full 12 hours or more. Revitalising her energy and getting ready to take on the next day. She has now learnt to pull herself up onto her feet and look around as well. She would like to walk but isn't developed enough so falls down on her backside when she stands up too long. She is also a very funny little girl, who laughs at things which have no meaning at all. Then when trying to make her laugh she will refuse and put on her neutral face. If not her afraid face, well certainly when there are strangers about. The cat Olly has learnt to avoid her. He doesn't like the heavy hands of a baby trying to pull his fir out and he gets upset by it. Probably thinking Princess J is a form of small animal getting all the attention he doesn't get. His revenge is to meow at 3 a.m. and make Sparkling cranky.  If I was around he'd be making me cranky because I'd be getting an elbow in the ribs to sort him out.

I still do my best to get an hour in on the ukulele and but sometimes it just doesn't happen. Still Harvey does make me happy. Playing him is relaxing because it is so different from everything else I do, I love it.  The coordination of strumming and singing is still hard to pull off but I'm sure to get it some day. It's been over a year now and progress has certainly been made. I also recommend to everyone whenever I get a chance to play the ukulele, but I don't think there have been any takers. As Princess J grows up I'll try and influence her, that would be great.

The Fish Factory is hectic because of backlogs of work and the end of a financial year approaching. I can't think of a more difficult and stressful time in the Factory's calendar. I don't know how long it will be before I get a chance to see Sparkling but it's likely to be at least another 4 to 5 weeks and will be time for me to book a room in a padded cell, where there is nothing but piped calming music coming through all the time. Suddenly being woken up by a cat at 3 a.m. or exhausted by a baby, or even spending hours writing word after word after word is much more appealing.

OK back to the laptop, and to think of tonight's 1000 word subject.

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