Sunday, January 19, 2014

The 1000 word a day challenge.

I read an article on the internet. It was about a man who set himself the challenge of writing 1000 words a day. He is making a living from being a blogger with a difference. Looking at the way people follow their dreams, how they change their lives and move on.  He was unfulfilled by his life and decided every job he’d done he hated. There was only one thing to do and it meant finding or making his own job, his own career.  The web he runs has ongoing interviews with successful people. Just as he has become, he asks them about what made them change their lives, go for their dream.  I listened to about ten minutes of an interview with a woman who had changed career several times, she he just re-invented herself, time and again. The thing was she had been successful in her original career working for a credit card company. She was able to travel the world, see the sights and at some point she got fed up with it and moved on to do something else. I found it odd how he interviewed someone who was already a success and had just moved from one career to another. Why could he of not picked on someone who’d come from a more deprived background I thought.  It was like the converted talking to the converted. Nothing was gained from it. However, this is untrue, for she must have had some quality of character to be successful time after time. She knew what it was she was doing, and it seemed to be on self marketing and knowing the area she wanted to impress upon. Maybe there was an arrogance about her, maybe there was something which didn’t quiet sound right to me, but I couldn’t continue with listening to the interview so didn’t.  Whether it was my own discontent coming through, or whether there was something I picked up from the woman being interviewed I can’t say. What I do know though is the 1000 word challenge sounds appealing, it sounds difficult, it sounds like a challenge. One which would be challenging to anyone.

The guy wrote writing every day was not just a discipline, it meant doing it even when he was not in the mood or could not even think of a thing to write. As if inspiration would come out of the air. Many times it just didn’t, but still he sat down in front of his computer and began hitting those keys. Putting in the graft. Before he knew it, it had become a habit.

I’m sure I could do it, and it would be difficult, especially when a certain level of concentration is required. There would be times when distraction could be a barrier and of course writers block. As if there is such a thing. I once read a cure for writers block was just to concentrate on the little thing, such as a brick in a wall and then write about it.  Then go on to the next brick in the wall, but it doesn’t take too long and before you know it there they are 1000 words. I sit here with a towel on my head waiting for the 15 year old wax conditioner I decided to put on to kick in and do something. I half expect when this towel is removed it will take half my scalp with it because it’s dried up.  Then the conditioner has really done it’s work. If you got no hair then you never have to worry about conditioning your scalp. Or going to the hairdressers.  I’m doing my best to continue with these words as they flow from somewhere, to hit this magic target then I can remove the towel.  Feck I sure hope I don’t get writers block now.

The man who set this challenge went on to describe it as being self revealing. How he had to be true to himself, reflect on things and open up.  He published his writings in his blog and then went on to start his own business. Again writing being involved in it but it didn’t mean he stopped his habit.  Now he had to fit in the 1000 words more than ever. There were times he noted when sitting down for the first part of his writing it would be a load of junk. But he just kept banging away at the keyboard and before he knew it there would be a gold nugget there. I wonder if this goes on a similar premise if you filled a room full of chimpanzees and keyboards they would eventually write the full bibliography of Shakespeare. Though personally I don’t think this is possible. Funny how from nowhere a saying pops up as if it should change the entire world, as if it is just common sense. Well, this saying isn’t. What he was getting across though was there are always barriers even those in yourself, which prevent you from doing something and you just have to jump over them.  Like a horse, or maybe a gazelle.  Or to take it to an extreme a hippopotamus, of course the hippo would have to be jumping over a fence in it’s own environment, the bottom of a river bed certainly not the same fence a horse would jump over. Which would be silly now.

Yesterday I began writing to this challenge, yet I cheated a bit and decided to count the words I’d already written while at work.  Emails and shit.  This attempt should really be discarded. For the juxt of this challenge is to write the 1000 words in a single sitting. No matter how long it takes. Just put them down in black and white, even if it means you sit there with a towel on your head while it begins to superglue to your scalp.  Then it could be called the challenge of a 1000 words versus the loss of 1000 hairs.  I sure hope this test will mean I’m bald tomorrow.  Yet there could be worse things to moan about, male pattern baldness is just another item to add to the list of an aging fat man.  Well the target has been hit. Better run to the sink and see what I’ve lost.

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