Friday, April 18, 2014

Banksy is at it again

For some reason Banksy art pieces popping up all over London. Hidden in unremarkable doorways, standing there and waiting for a passerby to turn their head and then glance at something which raises a wyre smile. They have been put there as if just for the purpose of an unsupposing, non artist, they
are art for the common people.  In the same sense they have been hijacked by the art elite, walls ripped down and then sold at autions. They are appropriated by the owners of these buildings, but the images were put on without permission and one view is they could just as well be pieces of vandalism.  Except they are not, they are in the style and therefore most likely of a single person known as Banksy.  They're public viewing and obvious accessiblility suggests no piece belongs to a person, organization or establishment.  They are just there to be admired for the temporary basis, exposed to the elements and to decay.  This must be the artists intention. Yet in an act of counter vandalism they are whisked away and then no longer accessible, unless you happen to have an extortionate amount of money in your back pocket.

Mind, the thing is I often wonder how many of these Banksy pieces are really by Banksy, because there must be a lot of copy cats out there. The style of art isn't so difficult as to be uncopyable by any means. A little bit of practice and I think I could have a pretty good go at doing one. Pherhaps one of the stencil like pictures. Where it's just a matter of getting a few bits of cardboard and cutting them into the right shapes, painting it on a wall and then adjusting for highlights. In fact I have seen Banksy like art works which I knew were not Banksy pieces not far from where I live. They are still good pieces of art but as they are not bona fide Banksy the authorities usually paint over them some time afterwards.  But it is noticeable there's a theme in the subject matter, usually somethng ironic or humourous, such as the boy and girl here on the left. The boy gives flowers the girl has a club, when stereotypically it would be the other way round. It's a great idea.  You can't help but fall in love with images like these. Yet why is there such a value on Banksy works? He is a prolific artist. It's not like there are only a few of his pictures, they are all over the place. Even on the wall dividing Palestine and Israel. Of course here the message is political.

 Personally I like Banksy because he is British and in typical anti establishment. This is a bit like the Scots, who don't like the English but are also very anti establishment. They just don't like to conform to rules.  Most of all they don't hold any values for the royal family or royalty, the English royal family have no sway over the Scots. Lets also face it, no decent normal human being would also allow themselves to be subjugated to royalty and those who do are probably pretty misguided. They'd best go and work in Tea shops
serving cakes, but I'm sure they would be very nice cakes. And if I had a choice to do a copy cat style Banksy picture it would be something like the queen eating beans on toast while a corgi cocks it's leg up the sofa. It's the other side of royalty we don't get to see.  I do hear queeny was in the news for counting the sweets scattered around the palace and was upset when staff were helping themselves. Well, what does she expect, she's know as a notoriously cheap individual who pays her staff poorly. This whiffs very much of someone who is happy with their self importance. Like working for her was reward enough.  I wouldn't mind betting she does eat beans on toast, for real. Don't be fooled I say, I'm also quite sure I seen her in a que at the Post Office popping in to pick up her pension. The corgi's were tied to a railing outside.  Poor things.

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