Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Switchboards, repeated melodies and wasting life on the end of the phone

I believe the phenomenon of switchboards and answering machines which then direct you through automated services could be the bane of modern day living.  I have nearly got to the point of full understanding, when I have to phone up an organization to discuss a topic, I should record every bit of information on the phone call. Date, time, person spoken to, what was said, any references and then wait to see what the result is. If there is going to be another phone call because the first did not settle the matter then this has also to be recorded.  Notes and details should be made of the organization I am about to speak to, who runs it, who are the directors, what is their complaints policy and to what independent body are they accountable. It is sad but switchboards, listening to repeated melodies and time wasted speaking to individuals who know English as a second language and have never been to the UK is soul sapping to say the least.  There is no doubt a great comedy sketch waiting to be written if it has not already been.

I'd write it, except for being completely exhausted. These switchboard services are Kafka like conspiracies cobbled together by large organizations whose purpose is to make as much money as possible out of their customers. It helps when they have something approaching a monopoly.  One such company which has been in the news lately is B.T. which stands for Bloody Terrible. Not for the telecoms service it is suppose to represent. Some years ago I even applied for a job with this company and was verbally offered a position, however they never got back to me and verified the start date. I should of realised at this point something was up. They had my cards marked and were going to sap my life away somehow. Maybe I should of been tenacious enough to have followed it up and pestered them for the job they'd offered. Unfortunately with verbal contracts it becomes a case of one person's word against another.  Fortunately there was an alternate job on the table to pick up and it didn't involve waiting on the end of a telephone line for an answer.

Admittedly though there is something to be gained from understanding the failure of not getting to talk to someone to get a solution to your problem.  It is an appreciation of the efforts people have to go through. Anyone who makes a phone all to a faceless bureaucratic organization should be given a medal.  The longer they wait the more colourful the medal should be. A bit like the pot at the end of a rainbow.  Unfortunately when it comes to the Bloody Terrible company you'll find the pot has been emptied out by the time you get to it.

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