Wednesday, August 06, 2014

A morning lay in

I got the day off work, there's a need to get this long haired mop cut, so what better an excuse to have a day off work. I never get hair cuts at weekends when the hairdressers become factory chicken machines pumping out one customer after the other. Nope, a weekday is best and not too early or during their lunch break.

It was odd waking up this morning I'd had a good sleep. My phone read 6 a.m. but this is way to early to get up on a day off. So even though the bed was hot I got greedy and wanted more sheep counting. So I laid there and concentrated.  It didn't seem to come. I've had this before, when you think hours have passed but check the time and only a minute or two have crept by. It's like your internal time counting clock is on amphetamines and the world around you is slow. At some time I'd had enough and decided to actually get up, looking at my phone I then saw two hours had passed not ten minutes. It was like I had actually jumped forward in time, I had got the benefit of an extra sleep, but it didn't feel like it. It felt like my fingers had been snapped and magically I'd gone forward through the morning. If only being at work was like this, when two seconds could become two hours.

So ever late, still not up and washed I catch up on the latest Scottish referendum debate, but also know I need to get changed and washed. The things you have to do when waking up. Today I'm going to be a lazy arse, it's all there is to it.

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