Sunday, August 03, 2014

Sunday Walk and feeling blue

I went for my usual Sunday walk today, it lasted about 3 hours and was enjoyable. I checked out the weather which was mild at 22 degrees C max.  I like taking a walk on Sundays, it is relaxing. I get to think and to exercise at the same time, however, stopping off at a shop I bought chocolate and crisps so had probably cancelled out any of the health benefits from the hours of pavement pounding. What a bloody shame. Of course it is the first Sunday without waking up with Sparkling Eyes next to me in bed and being able to get a hug.  As usual the sun was bright and acted like an alarm clock as it pierces through the curtains. Maybe the curtains are too thin, or the sun is too hard, I need thick heavy ones which block out light more effectively and to repaint the walls a dark colour so light does not reflect.

Rather than go into work this weekend I decided to take the weekend off as leave, returning last week to two days was depressing to say the least.  I'm in a belligerent mood as well, having seen a member of my family who hasn't worked for years and arguing they should get a job because my taxes are paying for their dole money.  I get to feel maybe I been watching too many of those TV programs about benefits scroungers, especially those living of a pittance and insisting they can not and will not work. When I was in Scotland I went to a cafe, it was an ordinary cafe, and there was surprised most of the staff were Polish. I couldn't understand why there were not Scottish, and wondered if Scots didn't like working in Cafes.

The walk helped clear my mind a little. When I got back I soon came over feeling tired so laid on bed for an hour. It was the heat.  I'm sure summer is now in it's decline the solstice must of passed by now so we are gradually moving towards winter.  Schools have also let their children out, they have 6 weeks off from school and don't know what to do with themselves.  Maybe they should be sent to work for a taster of what it is like.  It's bloody hard and their thinking life is nothing but play is a dream waiting to be shattered by reality.  I saw on one news web site how children as young as 4 or 5 were working in one developing country. It doesn't mean it is right, it's just a little work never harmed anyone especially if there is some pocket money involved in it.

I feel blue still, it was returning from the holiday which did it.  But then you can't stay on a holiday all your life, not even if you're a scrounger.

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