Sunday, September 07, 2014

An idea for a book

At some place, somewhere this week, I had an idea for a book. Or the storyline of a book should I say.  I'm not sure if it happened while walking past the supermarket, eating at the Chinese or reading a poster outside of a community hall. It goes like this. At a point in time an individual has to make a decision, this is an important decision which will have repercussion, possibly life or death. The suggestion here is a bit like the wings of a butterfly causing a hurricane in Texas notion. For ultimately I believe we get the things we deserve through the actions and decision we have made. This individual, could be male or female, of course it would be easier to write from a male perspective because I am a male than a female's, but at the same time changing gender type would also be an interesting challenge.  So the book would be about all the feelings, thoughts and experiences the main character has experienced which had an impact on making their decision. The scenario could be played out twice, once with the actions of a wrong decision being made and once with a right decision being made.  The consequences of both decisions could be multifaceted so even the right as it may appear to be at first could turn out to be the wrong choice, or the face value wrong choice turn out to be the right decision over a period of time.

It's a bit like politics, when I see politicians make decisions on the fly there is a glimpse of grave errors and unforeseen consequences of those decision. It's because politicians who make decisions which effect others, do not see the repercussions of the individuals they are thinking for.  They don't go out and ask such people what will happen if I take this benefit away from you?  An examples has been the present government in demolishing the Sure Start Initiate as soon as they came into power.   You don't have to be a clairvoyant to predict the future and be in touch with the non existent spirit would.  I always put my hands on the table and concentrate waiting to see if there is a knock, but it never happens. 

The book could be nice and warm by giving the reader a taste of what might be wrong but then going on to show how the main character did actually take the correct road. Alternatively it may end philosophically and not give a commitment to the final outcome. The idea was just an idea, the difficult bit is putting it into action. Working on it, like any book would require commitment and time over at least two to three years. Unless of course it were a short story, which wouldn't take so long to do, between days and weeks.

OK now to put my hands on the table, close my eyes and see if an answer will come, though it's unlikely to be a knock. Certainly not on wood.

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