Saturday, October 27, 2007

Leaving 'Do' and too much Black larger

Last night I went to a leaving do for one of the middle fish at the Factory. The middle fish was my boss for a short while so I'm sad he's gone. Particularly because he is a shining example of what a middle fish should be like. He was undervalued and showed talent for a higher position. He could see through extraneous issues and knew what the important points were. He was friendly and always approachable and I never saw a angry side to him. His talent made him a challenge, which for the big fish was a pain in their ass. He rightly highlighted their inefficiencies by his clear logic and ability to cut through their limited ideas. As most big fish are really little fish pretending to be big. They may get their position through default, tenure, rather than actually having the personality or ability to do the job. Unfortunately promotion at the Fish Factory is a matter of Dead-Man's-Shoes. Which means a talented middle Fish or even little Fish will be passed over. It was only right I say goodbye and drink too much in the process as I watch my friend move forward into the sunset of a new Fish Factory, who will pay him more and no doubt value him a tad more as well.

Getting drunk is always my own fault. Or it's the fault of the beverage, in this case called Black Larger. Not to be confused with my normal brew of Guinness, because it clearly was not the same drink. But it was the equivalent brewed by the establishment where the 'Do' took place.

I quite rightly enjoy the intoxicating effects of alcohol. For some reason it taps into the "chill out" factor or my personality. I become so relaxed. Anything of too heavy a nature just goes flying over my head. When I reach my limit I then end with a smiley face and a demeanour like I'd just smoked the world's largest spliff. It's great. Wonderful. Being chilled. Being happy. Smiling. And the result often is to see other people point at me smile and laugh along as well. Especially those who see me at the Fish Factory in a rather different context of serious and hard working. Well out of the Fish Factory another life goes on.

Yes, I'm sad to see you go I like you my fellow com padre in arms.

Woke up this morning with a hang over. AWWWWE. Every little noise was like the pounding of a pneumatic drill. I wanted my mattress to swallow me up. I think I'll go Teetotal. It's the safer option. Or take drugs. Paracetamol helps. Coffee. And three tons of cotton wool wrapped round my head. Never again.

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