Friday, February 08, 2008

The never ending ten minute delay

I got to the train station this evening and watching the indicator board my train would be due in twelve minutes. In exasperation I wondered whether to get a bus. It was dark. I wanted to get home quick, not have a slow trundle. Even though the snail like speed of a bus may have got me there faster, just like the fable of the hare and tortoise. Waiting on the platform I then checked out the indicator a good two or three minutes had passed. Except now my train was equally delayed by three minutes.

Before going to the station I considered the pub. In the end I wanted to get home, I'd requested overtime and have to get up early tomorrow. Yet I could of been sociable and had a pint or a soda and lime seeing as I was coming back from the gym. Yep the second time in at least four months. It'll almost make my gym membership worth it.

In pensive mind I glanced up again the board, the seconds flipped, but the minutes were killing me. Now I've been here a full ten minutes the train is still delayed by another ten minutes. It's like I am getting no where fast. In fact I can see the second train due at the same time as the first. There it goes. Even the second train is delayed. Which is good because I sure don't know how they could of squeezed two trains on the same single stretch of track. I'm still waiting. Getting nowhere thinking of home. Also of how packed this stretched limosine which is not on time will be. Or not be. As the case will be.

It arrives. Only 25 minutes waiting. Another five mintues and I'll be at my own station stop. Altogether a round lovely 30 minutes. The bus? Yep, might of got there just a few minutes earlier had it come immediately.

A little older, a little wiser, a little bit understanding. You just can't lead a Ass anywhere if he don't want to go but at least his excrement makes good manure.

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