Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A card in a bath

While doing a bit of unpacking this morning I came across a card which had been surreptitiously planted inside. It was from Sparkling. I read the words which were so apt, and could not hold back a tear. Then had to rush off to the Fish Factory to earn a crust. It was a beautiful card and I sit here knowing how much we both mean to each other, only warmth and love. Until it is I get reprimanded for inadvertently doing something I shouldn't, like cut the flowers when I should of cut the lawn. Well it's an easy mistake to make, but I did leave some daisys behind so there was some consideration, and unlike last time when I burned a lot of the lawn through over feeding it this time it is just a little trimmed. I must of been forgiven otherwise Sparkling would not of put such a beautiful card in my bag.

In a conversation with someone who knows about installing bathrooms I learnt a lot. Not as much as when I helped to install a bath, but a lot. In fact there is so much you can learn by talking to someone who knows what they are doing because they have done it. Unfortunately it's best to do it before the job rather than after. So next time L & B man comes up with a bright idea, if I have time I'll do some research first.

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