Saturday, May 22, 2010

Entertained but not fed

I was entertained yesterday, and got paid for it. Bloody marvelous. It was a training course in relation to the Fish Factory. The attendees were few, only 5 of us when there should of been double. We sat down and basically got entertained the whole day. A live actress played different parts as though she were a different person in each part. Either this or she really did have some kind of multiple personalityc complex. Further, I'm glad she was live coz if she was dead it would of only been one part she could of played.

The day passed by quickly. Some of the demonstrations were related in psychological contexts, when examining different personalities. Which I thought were a little on the crude side, if not outdated. I came away with some questions in my mind, wondering if I really did learn anything from it? Whether something happened which would change the way I did things, and I'm still wondering. If you have to think about something then maybe it didn't work. It's like when someone asks you a question and you know they are expecting you to say "yes" but in your heart you want to say "no" so you take a minute or two to deliberate, not saying anything. Their response could be an assumption because you said nothing then you agree. But you haven't. Get what I mean? Well, this was how I felt afterwards, today.

I'm not going to grumble, or should I say I am grumbling, but not loudly. It was a wonderful day. Sun was out. Then they laid on dinner. Unfortunately the cook was not really a cook at all and did a great job at murdering food. it must be a real inherent talent some people have. The kind of person who should never be allowed near a cooking utensil, potatoe, chicken breast, knife, fork. The kind of person who should of been given an intravenous drip to provide all their bodily nutrition, because they have some inner hate towards food. Blimey. Just realised I got another course next week. Better get myself to the shops and buy some sandwich materials. Something I can masacre instead.

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