Monday, May 10, 2010

Sparkling's ghostly promise

I've often stated there is no such thing as ghosts. Yet on the other hand I've been quaking in my shoes such things actually exist. Which is a contradiction in itself to not believe in something means it can not exist. For some unknown reason the two opposing views are able to be present at the same time in my mind. No matter how hard I try to shake off the notion there may actually be ghosty things out there, and no matter how logical and sane my head happens to be at the time. I'm aware of the little shivers which can crawl down the back but these are just a reaction from the nervous system, they don't mean anything else. Even trying to reason with myself is at fault. It's something difficult to do, reason with yourself I mean. Anyway. Sparkling has similar sentiments. However, she has said to me if anything happens to her she will come back as a ghost to scare the living daylights out of me. I don't know why this is, but her macarbre sense of humour stretches beyond anything I could think of, I certainly wouldn't want to come back and scare people witless. But Sparkling does, no one else, just moi. Not an enemy, not someone she utterly hates, but me. Great. Looks like I'll be wearing adult nappies when I'm old, bald, fatter and a lot greyer all over. Brill, I look forward to it.

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