Monday, May 31, 2010

Clatter, clatter, clatter

The pidgin's are still in the roof, should I say under the tiles and like an early morning alarm I am wakened. Any time through 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. they come out. Clatter, clatter, clatter, go the tiles. Another morning I wonder about whether I should of set my alarm for say 3 a.m., get a ladder out and then wait. As each clatters itself into a new day, I could then end it's day by wringing its neck. There would be a pile of dead birds. The next delema is my own conscience. I'd be a pidgin murderer. Plus it will not actuall stop a new lot of birds from getting under the tiles. I could hear them on the roof. Cooing to each other. So I got up in my PJs, went out in the back garden and spied them. I shook a fist, clapped my hands and they took absolutely no notice at me. I hoped no one was watching, they'd see this crazy man in his PJs and call for the white coats if they did. I'm fortunately still here writing. I crouched down, picked up some mud and an empty snail shell and threw them up at the pidgins. Nothing happened again. They were wise because my aim was crap. I took some more lumpy mud and threw again. It was slightly better and enough just to spook one of the feathered pests. In turn the others took off. Door closed, cat refused to go out, I went back to bed. Trying to close my eyes and catch some more sleep. Twenty minutes later, clatter, clatter, clatter.

Some things just happen to be unchangeable. They go on and then drastic action is needed. Heaven's knows how much money it will cost to get the roof fixed if any of the times drop off. Bloody cat is no use. He's not had any of the pidgins at all. For sale, one lazy cat and the need for a good long lay in without any disturbances.

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