Thursday, April 12, 2012

Poof Juice in Poland

It was L & B man who said to me in his not so delicate way, while in Poland (Krakow) "have you got any poof juice?"  To tell the truth I wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about.  Maybe it was the Scottish accent, maybe it is because I am not in the know of what Poof Juice is.  It could be anything as far as I was concerned.  I asked what it was and got a reply "smellies."  We were about to go out and hit another Krakow  bar and he wanted to smell good.  It had been a long day and I must admit to getting more stinky myself the more weight I put on.  L & B man hit the bathroom and had a quick squirt of deodorant, that was the only thing I had bought along.  Always travel as light as you can when going abroad is my motto.  Sparkling is now just starting to understand this as well, I think I'm getting her trained in this one aspect of life.  While of course she trains me in all the other aspects of life.  It's a bit lopsided when I think about it.  So now I know what is meant when someone asks me about Poof Juice.  I also realise it is a colloquial and derogatory term which L & B man was using in referring to something which homosexual men were prone to wearing.  Yet, it was L & B who was making the request.  He's not gay by any means but he was the one who wanted the stuff.

In one of our shopping adventures in Krakow we hit a multi chain drug store.  Amongst the items on display were Man's perfume (EDT) or Poof Juice if you want to use the other phrase.  I spent some time looking at a large display of EDT.  Trying these out on sampler cards and sniffing them.  I looked at the from price and the to price.  They all had quite large from prices whilst the cut down to price was substantially lower.  I thought to myself this must be a great place to get a bargain.  The only problem was I didn't really know what the real price of any of these products was in the UK.  I was going on the notion of UK tax being higher than most of the world so what was on display had to be a bargain.  Together I and Sparkling picked up a bundle of items.  Her's included various pots of face cream which she said would last her for at least the next 3 years.  Mine had two different kinds of Poof Juice.  I liked their smell, especially the Givenchy Pi.  Hmmm.  But then again what a man thinks is a nice smell may not be what a woman thinks is a nice smell.  Together we spent over a £120 on a small basket of goods.  I went away quite happy, got back to the hotel room, smelled both of the EDT's and put one on.  It's always good to think you have got a bargain.  I felt warm inside, happy with myself for hunting out a bargain.  For not spending my hard earned cash in the UK for so long.  Making my own EDT last forever.  Until I checked Amazon.

Blow me down.  The same two Poof Juices were there on the screen.  The ones I bought and carried hundreds of miles from Poland under the belief I got a bargain.  They were cheaper.  CHEAPER.  I laughed to myself because it really doesn't matter too much anyway.  When I put them on I am reminded of Krakow and our short holiday there.  One thing Amazon can't give me.  The joy of opening up a parcel dropped of by the Post Office isn't nearly as warming.  Wonder if I should wear it in bed?  It could cover up the whiff from my farts, much better than a cork.

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