Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Curve Ball

To take an American expression, unfortunately, some days the unexpected happens. In effect a Curve Ball is thrown. This is a thing, anything which might not of been predicted but causes an inconvenience, or discomfort. This morning I walked a slightly longer route to the train station because I thought I needed the exercise. As I approached the station, rather than see people enter they were leaving. I knew immediately something was up. This knowing didn't stop me from continuing to walk into the Station. I needed verification for my self. It came in the form of a Curve Ball. Yes, there had been a power cut on this line into London. It happens on a monthly basis. The consequence meant queing up for a bus. Then a bus came within a very short while. Unluckily it continued to travel past the stop, packed full of Sardines, they had emigrated from Sardine in Train to Sardine on Bus. Must of been something to do with the Olive Oil. I walked a mile to a different bus stop and got more than the exercise anticipated.

On another morning not long after returning from a wonderful visit to see Sparkling Eyes I suffered from an attack of Dandruff. It was bad. Big blooming flakes which wanted desperately to be part of an early Christmas. I had contemplated writing an entire blog about this experience, however, the response when I told Sparkling Eyes was one of "Yuk!" This discouraged me from putting it into writing. At the time. I coped with the dandruff attack by having yet another hair washing, running round a tree half naked, and singing a verse from the Sound of Music. I had it on good report this was the in Vogue method of fighting dandruff. Either this or bath in Asp milk. As there are few Asps about now days I ran round the tree instead and added a verse or two castigating Cleopatra.

It's nice to have a problem free day, but they don't happen. As Sparkling constantly reminds me I don't have problems she has problems, and she then goes on to trade me what her problems are, putting them in the context of my lunch time Salsa. As if I am in an entirely different world when I am not.

My next Curve Ball I now sit and wait for. Tomorrow morning I have a dental appointment. It came at short notice. I say this because usually it takes about 2 weeks to get an appointment set up. Instead it took only 2 days and has meant I really haven't had much time practicing opening my mouth for long periods. So I expect after the dentist I'll not be able to move my jaw the rest of the day. Let alone something be found which needs fixing. Like the hole in my head.

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