Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dull Day

It's been a dull day over London, overcast the entire day. I don't think I saw a single ray of sunshine. Which made it dark indoors and dark especially when waking up in the morning.

There's been no communication from Sparkling the last couple of days. I'm not texting her, she's not texting me, so we're stuck in some no-mans-land. A misty fog of obscurity settles itself down. Nothing going or coming. Just damp dark and dull weather. If she can't be bothered to text me, why should I be bothered to text her? I'm sure I'll calm down at some point. The point when I'm missing her kicks in and a strange unaccountable magnetism draws me to the digits on my mobile phone.

I've managed to upset Lazy Ass-stuck-in-room boy. Who has permanently locked himself away in a room with either PlayStation games, his girlfriend, or loggin on and off the Internet. No job. No income. No aspiration of doing anything, except smoking, collecting rubbish from throw away take outs and unwashed clothes. I upset him along the lines of getting a job. I am fed up with his complete inactivity. Both barrels were let lose. I worked at 11 years of age, then got a job at 17 when I left school. He's now 21 I think? And has done nothing productive. If this were China and you didn't have a job or work, you'd die of starvation there's no free tickets there. To boot I had a dig and his sister Teeny ignorant girl, who has provided a wealth of intelligence in her inability to conquer GCSE's, and again show no motivation.

I'm fed up with people asking me for change, when quite clearly they are not destitute and are trying to fleece anyone they can. I'll add complete annoyance at litter louts, throwing the rubbish in the street and not carrying it to a bin. Which is very little effort. They have no respect for their country so I have no respect for them.

I'm fed up of junkies all over the place and skanky looking teenager's who think they are big because they have a gang culture look about them. Wear jeans nearly falling off their asses like they are putting out their backside for any batty boy in the area. It's fashion I know. But when it looks like you've crapped your jeans coz the crutch hangs so low seems to me they've lost a brain cell. Not to mention the odd-ones-out, lads trying to fit into a cultural stereotype when they plainly are and never will. They are the wrong race, the wrong colour, the wrong body type, but they want to look like idiots they can, it is after all a free world.

I detest the lunatic car drivers who talk on their mobile phone and drive their car even though it is against the law. One handed, as if they have been given some royal decree which says the law does not apply. They should be deprived of their wheels, fined a hefty amount of readies and made to walk the plank. Personally I'd super glue their phones to the palm of their hand then give them a strong dose of laxative.

I am also completely fed up with cafes and their poor excuse of food they sell to the accepting public. If chips were off the menu by command of the law what other substitute of inadequate nutrition would they come up with? Our diet is so poor, we have no appreciation or understanding of what this degenerate garbage consumed each day is actually doing to us. As each and everyone of us dies through too high salt consumption, oil, grease, trans fats, various degrees of malnutrition and of course obesity. Lets all join the high cholesterol club, go on Statins for life and let our teeth rot away from Cola drinks. Thank Cadbury's for chocolate, where would we be without it?

Yes, it's been a dull day. I'll saturate myself in boredom and indulge in some strong caffeine in the morning, not forgetting a doughnut. I'm sure to feel better then, I sure hope the sun comes out.

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