Thursday, September 04, 2008

Golf at Piperdam and a reminder of Salsa

For the first time in my life I did a full round of golf, at the Piperdam course. And just in case anyone didn't know, GOLF stands for Gents Only Ladies Forbidden. Such a nice saying some might acknowledge. I was accompanied by Mr Tall Accountant Man or TAM for short. Though TAM had said he wasn't on form, being he'd not had the time to play over the last 6 months. He still was a pretty impressive hitter. At one time he used to play 3 times a week. Whilst 3 times a year would be a good thing for me.

We could not have chosen a better day. It began with a mild chill, but the sky was clear and within minutes sun beams warmed us up. The country side of Dundee is beautiful, fields of various colour spoke stories of different farming choices. To play golf in such countryside is wonderful. Walking 18 holes however is tough going. Fortunately I'd hired out a golf bag trolley to take the strain.

The first hole is over a lake. It's all or nothing. Needless to say I lost a ball in the water and walked around to where it might have landed had it gone on land. They asked for 3 and I did it in 5. This was good for me. I was surprised on one hole to find 4 little spectators at my heels. They were so quite as well and so supportive. A bit feathery, but heck when you got fans it don't matter what species they are. The ducks stood inches behind me as I watched TAM T-Off. Then I had to chase them away before my go. It's OK having fans but I didn't want stalkers. Unless these ones came with a nice orange sauce. By the tenth or was it twelfth hole I began to tire. Losing half a dozen balls to the wild. Never to be seen again. I became quite thankful just hitting the ball and seeing where it went. Except for a few holes most seemed to be on inclines. I also found hitting a ball while standing on a hill is a lot more difficult than hitting it while at the range. Three and a half hours later we had finished and I had nearly collapsed. It had taken 148 strokes, 6 lost balls and an entourage of 4 ducks to complete it.

Sparkling Eyes had toyed with me before the golf. Saying I would be required to help her post some community leaflets. She's out for the moment at a meeting. I hope she'll forget about the leafleting tonight, even if it means giving her an extra long foot massage. Though I could do with one myself. Last night Sparkling reminded me of my Salsa dancing. It was the tongue thing, going to the left then to the right. Mr L&B had apparently said "no wonder the old girls liked dancing with him, put that tongue back!" I shrugged trying desperately to shake of the comment off but it keeps hitting me back in the face. She thinks I should look at myself in a mirror because I'm just to stiff.

Rock Chick has hardly been around the last few days. She seems to be out most nights. Coming in late one night, Sparkling indicated Rock Chick would be grumpy in the morning before school. Rock Chick's reply was "well don't talk to me, I'll walk." I daren't say a thing to her at this time saying she was moody would be under estimating her demeanour. I wondered how parents are able to cope with teenagers. Drugs seem to be the ony answer I can come up with. It seems Rock Chick has got a memory problem also, because the next morning she asked for a lift to school and said Sparkling had promised to give her one. This promise was not made in my ear shot. I did suggest to Sparkling she put Rock Chick up for adoption after Rock Chick had left for school. Just maybe she could be temporarily swopped. Maybe even a different species, I know of 4 very nice ducks.

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