Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Is a woman ever wrong?

I was in a situation where I lost my head.  It fell off.  It didn't really fall off.  Rather it exploded.  Being a bloke these things happen.  For men unlike women don't have a propensity to continuous griping, they let so many discomforts pass and then when they have mounted up they blow up like Vesuvius or even one of the Icelandic volcanoes (whose names are so long and complex only someone who speaks Icelandic can pronounce them).  Get the idea, just think exploding volcano.  When a man reaches this point they have usually put up with a great deal.   In an ideal world the best thing which can happen is another person asks them what is up and then listens to them.  However, this is not an ideal world.  If it happens to be a woman in the vicinity they would rather not listen.  Their response may be to trivialise or compound the situation making the fella feel even worse.  The reason is they have an inability to listen.  OK girls I can see you now rolling up your sleeves and about to beat the crap out of me.  

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. -- Winston Churchill

OK, this is a broad statement and it can not be directed at all women.  Therefore it is a generalization and probably applies to most of them.  In the region of nearly 100 percent.  Personally I have found more men with better listening skills  than women.  But then I am a man and I am not talking about gay men either.  I expect a woman would say it is men who can't listen. Well I must admit certain things a woman can talk about do not have much weight.  Which is certainly something a man learns never to mention to a woman.  No matter how fat her backside looks you will always say it looks beautiful.  It's like me saying my shirts make me look fat, not that "I look fat in this shirt because I am fat" such a comment would be preposterous.  I can't say whether this generalization goes for lesbians either.  On account I really don't know any lesbians at all.  Although I the encounters I have had with them they have acted towards me as though I had leprosy and ignored my presence.  So I basically ignored them.  There must be a hell of a lot of lesbians with their knickers in a twist, which probably gives them a little smile every now and again.  But lets not distract from the discussion.  Women don't listen because were they to actually listen they may have to admit something which would be a complete shake of their woman worldly perception.  They may then have to admit at some point they are wrong.

Women get the last word in every argument.  Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.  ~Author Unknown

In defence, women state men are never right about anything, and secondly men should be listening to them not expecting they listen back.  I'd really like to say it is a two way street but in is not.  It is an asymmetric street.  Only a man would know what an asymmtope is as well.  In my experience men generally are more laid back than women, they just go along with things.  Agree most of the time, do as they are told like little puppy dogs.  Learn to sit and roll over according to their mistresses requirements.  They are pulled along by their lead. But once in a while when something gets too much for them they will blow up.  As I did.  At this point they have had it up to their eyeballs in horse manure, the straw breaks their back.  It's a big time blow out.  While for a woman their blow outs tend to be along the lines of constant niggles and drones.  They have little sense of when to stop and just go on and on.  As though stating their point once is not enough so they have to state it repeatedly.  The other side of the coin is when a woman has an opinion and has not stated it at all.  It's odd but these two extremes of constant reminding and niggling against not mention at all exist.  They are present because there is no middle road.  When they have not said something there exists a temporary no mans land.  No mans seems an apt phrase to use as well.  For no man in his right mind really wants to be in this place of limbo.  Which can be difficult to detect, but the clues are there and get pieced together after the event.  A man is not told something because he should already know it and he should of used his wonderful power of ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) or maybe even mind reading to understand and comment or act in the way he should of commented or acted but didn't know about.  Even the great Agatha Christie detective Poirot would have a problem.  Maybe it's why in the TV series he never has a female friend other than his house keeper.  If he did he certainly wouldn't of had any time to do his detecting.

Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal.  ~William Shakespeare

A woman will defend herself rather than admit being wrong.  It becomes a game.  A tit for tat, of "you did this" and "you said this" not forgetting their elephant memory where things are dragged out from years earlier in which you as a man hadn't even given a second thought and can't believe at this very moment they suddenly have such great salience.  What is really needed is a moment of listening.  Because whoever at that point is the calmest of the two should sit back and ask themselves a question.  What happened to get to this point where this man has blown his top?  Personally I am of the opinion that women although believing themselves to be softly, softly brilliant communicators are actually not very good at communicating at all.  For communication does mean listening then speaking.  Listening with ears, listening with heart, listening with mind.  Real listening means walking a mile in someones shoes.  And the person who can show this skill can calm the worst bear in the forest.  But no, a woman has no tolerance of calming a big old grizzly bear.  She will make a quick and instant woman logic appraisal of a situation and take no other view.  It will be along the lines of "you are acting like a child just because your shoes were thrown away."  All the other things which raised up to the final straw are if no consequence.  A woman is right and a woman is always right as far as a man is completely concerned.  It is only when the man has eventually broken down and thought this is a silly situation and starts to admit fault to part the event begins to calm.  However, try and get an equally mature and adult response from a woman for an admittance of their own blame and you may as well stand in the Sahara desert with a rain coat, umbrella and Wellington boots.  It's just not going to happen.  Reason, they have just been vindicated because you were wrong and now they can add this one to their little black book and pull it out in five years time.

Despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, I have not yet been able to answer the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want?
Sigmund Freud

Perhaps I am asking too much.  As Freud said.  A woman's mind is infathonable, especially when she doesn't know it.  But what she will know is she is always right and never the opposite to right, which would be adding a new word to her dictionary.  In the end, as a man all you can do is love them, accept them, and accept you're the one who will always have gracefully bail out.  After all you don't want to end up waking up in the morning with an eyebrow shaved, coloured nail varnish on your fingers or one trouser leg sown up.

Or should I be saying, I hope I live to see tomorrow.

1 comment:

sdcm said...

It is so true. I am speechless.