Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rain and a lay in

Got up late today.  It's odd how easy it is just to lay in bed and sleep through the morning.  Each time waking up and hearing the sound of rain outside.  Heavy and persistent.  Sparkles had made up her mind and I was going to go along with it.  It was to sleep and enjoy the lay in.  I had no problem with it at all.  I dreamt of my yellow and navy socks, appropriated by Rock Chick.  Sparkles had a more dramatic dream, one where her jaw had dropped off and she had to be taken to hospital.  Well.  I mean.  If your jaw dropped off you'd want to be taken to hospital as well.  It's the sort of thing you'd notice.  Maybe it was the rain.  And today is the summer solstice.  Here's some news.  There was no sunshine in Scotland, but a lot of rain, buckets of it. 

I've been given my jobs to do.  With the help of L & B Man the immersion heater has been fixed.  It was my job really but he took it over and did the wiring.  I must learn a lot more about electricity and stuff.  A lot more.  These are the kind of things, plumbing and electric they should teach at school, but they don't.  It's about time someone lobbied parliament and said "we want to learn real practical things, not geography." Not that I have anything about Geography, but knowing what a caldera is hasn't helped me as much as knowing what colour wire is live and what is neutral.  There's not many volcanoes round here.

OK must hit the hay.  The cat is out and he still hasn't hassled me to let him in.  Which means I'll be up at 3 a.m. letting him in.  I'll wait for the elbow in my side and the word "cat" being spoken like a magic word which a genie has to comply with.  Except I'm the genie.  Less the magic. 

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