Monday, June 06, 2011

Rain Rain

It's raining.  It was raining yesterday and it's raining today.  I had a short walk yesterday to see Monster Boy and cats and dogs fell from the sky.  On an adjacent patch of green there was a horse tethered with a foal next to it.  The poor thing was soaked through.  I wonder do horses get the flu.  On the way back from seeing Monster Boy the foal had ran up the hill and out of sight of the other horse.  The big one neighed in concern calling the little one back.  Taking a slightly circuitous route I saw the foal at the top of the hill, just out of it's parent's eye sight.  It was standing in the cats and dogs getting soaked through and with a sorrowful look about it.  I walked past and it's ears pricked up.  The parent neighed beyond the brow of the hill and was running as far as it's tethered rein would allow it.  Miserable and wet the poor little thing.

Well, we're lucky it was only cats and dogs rain, if it were elephant rain I doubt if my umbrella could of coped with it.

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