Thursday, March 15, 2012

A chilled afternoon with Layabout Lad

This afternoon was a chilled experience.  I arranged with Layabout lad to go for a drink and chit chat.  We began by meeting up and having a Chinese take away from one of the best local take aways.  I've tried them all so I know which is the best.  He choose a simple special dish which was fried rice, chips and a sweet and sour sauce on top.  I wouldn't of gone for such an option in nearly all circumstances, unless I was already drunk and substituted the sweet and sour for a curry sauce.  It's always good to carry about your own personal supply of salt sachets just in case.  Layabout hardly ate any of his and I advised him to tip it out on the grass.  A flock of about two hundred pigeons descended like crazed flesh starved zombies and in no time his pile of left over food was a memory to the grass it had restfully laid on.  I ate every bit of the Chicken in black bean sauce and fried rice my lunch consisted off.  It was lovely.  A fat squirrel also ventured out of a tree to see what the commotion was, but by this time the crowd of pigeons obscured what food was left.  He didn't stand a chance.  No left overs for fat boy squirrel.  It shouldn't of been so fat and maybe it would of got there a little earlier.  Sounds like a catch 22 situation to me. 

After lunch we went to the pub.  Layabout had to detour for twenty minutes as he had an interview with a dubious employment agency registered by the government.  He came back to a table with me and we chatted.  As the talk went on so did the time.  Five and a half hours later we decided to move off.  Things to do.  We were both amazed how quickly the time passed, both just chatting away over nothing in particular but enjoying the time together.  It's fortunate for me we are both lightweights in the drinking department so it didn't cost a great deal anyway.  Next stop was home and a cup of tea with crazy Momma. 

I did try and get Sparkling involved in a text conversation but I think her alarm antenna must of been raised.  She is careful not to talk to me when I an intoxicated.  Even though I had suggested she could talk to Layabout rather than me.  Shame.  It would of been nice to of had a couple of minutes, the full extent of my allowable chat time when speech is slow or a little slurred.  When you love someone you would think they would also be open to giving you time even when drunk.  But it don't work this way.  I know.  I'm afraid I also steer clear of phone calls or conversations with other drunks if I don't have a pint in my hand either.  The even wore on.  We saw Big Momma, had a cuppa tea then I escorted Layabout back home.  He was appreciative of the time out and the long chilled out chit chat.  It gave him a break, but it was equally relaxing for myself.  Another two or three cups of tea and I might be sobre enough to hit the hay.

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