Saturday, March 24, 2012

What happens on the inside is shown on the outside

There is a saying

"No body can hurt you unless you let them."

I have never really understood what this statement meant.  Or I thought I understood it's meaning but only recently think I do understand it.  The thing is, the answer is not what you think.

I'm guessing most people will interpret this to mean something along the lines of, "it's no good letting other people take advantage of you, you have to stand up for yourself, stand your ground and fight back."  If they did then they are wrong.  For this response can mean replying with anger or aggression.   It is a fact anger is not good for anyone, most of all the self, the person on the inside who has it pent up.  If it's let out, then later there is the period of regret.  Or if there is not regret because of a self rationalisation being aggressive can be justified then it may mean other people will react differently.   Lets say however there are situations when anger is valid, what is done with it is another question altogether quite different.  What this statement is talking about is something much deeper inside.  Or rather both the co-ordination of thinking and feeling in a different way.  Lets repeat the phrase again:

"No body can hurt you unless you let them."


"No body can hurt you unless you let them."

I believe now this is to do with your own internal attitude.  The thing is it is not easy to do, to live, to understand and to change in the manner this short succinct phrase puts it.  However, like anything else which results in a psychological paradigm of consciousness the effect of understanding what this phrase is going on about are like one of the ripples of a stone plopped into water.  Where the first concentric circle is smallest and strongest, then as it spreads outwards rapidly becomes less powerful but still has an effect.  The ripple.  Ripple is a nice sounding word.  Ripple, ripple, ripple, ripple.  The ripple effect comes from just thinking what an earth does this phrase mean, but rather than starting at the centre of the concentric circle it is having one of these ripples on the furthest reaches gently lap into thoughts.   Lets reduce this phrase into an even smaller phrase used more frequently, heard more often but not quiet as eloquent.

"Am I bothered?"

So the meaning begins internally.  It is to do with my own thoughts, it is about understanding this and then acting internally to accept it.  The world could come to an end tomorrow, everything may stop in the next half hour.  A meteor is about to crash down through the roof of this house and hit me square on the head.  It's unlikely to bounce off no matter what some think.  I now have four minutes left.  I know this is definitely going to happen.  I can not escape it.  It is an inevitable event, the inkling is so strong it goes without saying.  So what do I do?

A) Worry and stress,  look out of the window, cry, sweat, palpitate grieve and expire.
B) Completely ignore the clues, the writing on the wall, the inevitability of the even happening, this becomes complete and utter suppression.
C) Accept the event is about to happen, then think of all the people I love all the wonderful things which I have been part of in my existence and if possible leave a message in the four minutes of time.  The message would be along the same lines.

If someone says something to me and it is said to hurt my feelings, to annoy, to provoke a response it is only because I let it.  Therefore

"No body can hurt you unless you let them."

Means to understand with the deepest possible mind, to feel with the deepest possible feelings, this thing which is said will have no effect on me.  POW.  This is an easily said thing, the reality is difficult, the reality is challenging, the reality is mature and leads to personal growth.  It is something which has to be lived every day, it is not a religion.  It is a mindful self conscious act, it is powerful beyond anything any person can ever do or say to another.  It is self driven, self motivated and self understanding.  It is probably the highest and most difficult attribute humanly possible to achieve.  Take this and throw in a sprinkle of what is important then a human being becomes a super human being.  It is not unachievable, but then all the best things in life are those which are difficult to attain.  If they were easy to get everyone would have them.  I may be made redundant in the next year, this is a reality.  However, how I choose to tackle this is a wilful decision.  To mope would be unproductive.  Which leaves working on those things which can be worked on and not those beyond my control.  This last paragraph I have made personal, but it applies equally to you.

Now, is this a meteorite I see before me, or is it something else?

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