Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Doing something because I like it

A long time ago I used to play badminton. It was a few years ago and it's a pretty energetic game. I loved the game with a passion, I loved everything about it. The speed, the stamina required and the chess like strategy required. Except there was one think I recognised, after reaching a certain standard I got no better. My back hand stroke was just not any good. I practised over and over again but when playing I just could not pull it off. It didn't work at all. This was frustrating, so many points were lost because it was used as my weakness by other players. They could pick it up if savvy enough. Then there were times when I could of used it and scored a few points, but couldn't because it does not exist. Eventually there was only one solution, just to accept I would not get any better, this was an obstacle which would be there. I'd try again and again even knowing this, however, it didn't matter. It didn't matter I lost games. What mattered was I just enjoyed playing badminton.

So it has now been a few months of playing the ukulele and I'm wondering if this is a similar pursuit. I love playing this little instrument, it gives me a kick, I can't reach some of the more difficult chords, I can't sing and I have a problem with timing. Counting, strumming and singing at the same time is a difficult thing to do.  I am old, I marvel at how youngster who play instruments in bands are able to pick up this complex process. They do it so well. As the ukulele does not require a great deal of physical fitness this will likely mean I'll keep playing this wonderful instrument for some time to come. Then who's to say this old chestnut isn't cracked, or roasted or devoured shortly afterwards.

The lesson I've learnt is patience, perseverance and it don't matter if I'm no good at it just as long as it brings me fun, and it also seems to bring those people around me fun as well. I know of one person who finds it very funny.

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