Monday, June 10, 2013

The Trout don't bite and Babyfro begins training

It seems I am not a natural fisherman. But this is not solely my own inability it also goes for L & B man and Dangerous Sports Lad. The other day we spent a total of 7 and a half hours sitting by a fishery and didn't catch a single thing between us. Unless you happen to count sun burn. Odd how the times when I listen to other people results in some damage to myself. Sparkling said to put shorts on, so I did, and now from the knees to my ankles there is red skin. I wouldn't mind but I usually warn Sparkling about putting on sun screen. Maybe I'm a hypocrite, well we all are to a certain extent. The fish didn't care, they just didn't bite at all. I sat there and intensely concentrated on my float but it didn't tug downwards at all. On the say so of a friend L & B man said we should use crickets, apparently trout love the taste of them. On this day they didn't. I am beginning to think it is all to do with the sun. On hot sunny days trout prefer to hide away and not come out to play. There they stay at the bottom of the pond playing checkers, and the really intelligent ones who will not get caught no matter what play chess. I saw a heron eat a couple of trout as well. I bet the heron didn't have to pay for the privilege of fishing. The owners of the fish pond must make a lot of money from idiots sitting on the banks not catching a thing. Although a quite day Dangerous seemed to enjoy it immensely, he may even take up the sport. Which could be a little out of character for someone called Dangerous. Mind he seemed to be interested in extreme fishing and had caught a few episodes of a TV program about it. He departed his knowledge freely, even though it was his first time out with a rod. Watching TV didn't improve his ability to catch trout. However, it was noticeable how a number of Polish fishermen were having a bit more luck than us. Sporadically throughout the day they caught fish. I guess fish like people who speak with a foreign language, it puts them into a kind of false sense of security, at which they then take the bait. Think I'll have to get the Polish phrase book out and eat Pierogi. 

I have held the beautiful Babyfro in my arms, then walked around with her from room to room. I talked to her and she listened, after a short while she cried and I handed her to Dangerous to attend to her needs. Baby is such a contented little princess, although I know Rock Chick is suffering from lack of sleep, effectively Babyfro is training her parents. She cries, poops, pees, vomits, feeds, sleeps, and continues this cycle on a regular basis. She can sense her mum and her dad because when held by them she goes quiet, quicker and is content. It is early days and I am amazed how every day I see her she looks different. She grows and develops rapidly, becoming less and less new baby looking squiggy.  When I head back to London the next time I get to see baby she will be able to lift her head and start to give pleasant cooing sounds. Already Dangerous has adapted his speach patterns and sounds like he is a baby talking translator.  He'll probably go out and get a degree in it. I have a suspicion though some of his sounds come from a Star Wars character. Rock reframes from doing these noises as she's likely not such a big fan of Star Wars.  Rock is now a full time mum and is very happy.  She's mummy Rock.  How quickly they grow up. It seems like only yesterday Rock Chick was in primary school herself. Time will pass and she'll look back and will think the same.

Sparkling Eyes is going to be known as Ga Ga. Sparkling has a natural bond with Baby as well. She has been telling baby princess stories and making them up as she goes along. Baby just stares at her and is all agog completely entranced. I'm a bit like this, and then get told to get on with wiring a new socket, mowing the lawn, or hoovering up. It must be the Sparkling spell. Rock will has this talent with Dangerous, and so she should. Dangerous is outnumbered now by gender, he has two princesses to keep sweet. Another thing for sure is when Rock and baby put their heads together, Dangerous will not just be outnumbered he'll also be played with like a kitten plays with a ball of wool.

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