Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy 21st Birthday to Rock Chick

I took my laptop to the pub after work, I had an important appointment. It was to see Sparkling Eyes, Rock Chick and Babyfro. Today Rock Chick is 21 years old. After waiting about an hour I eventually decided to Skype and got through. An earlier Skype call had been rejected as Babyfro was feeding. She is eating and peeing and pooping continuously. It has been a little over a week since I last saw her but again she looks different. Wow, how babies grow day by day. Especially when you don't get a chance to see them. The call got through and I chatted to Sparkling who looked very happy, she had put up some bunting for Rock Chick. I then got to chat to Rock and saw Babyfro. She was tired and had one eye just a little open. I asked Rock if she'd ever thought on her 21s birthday she'd be having a quiet night in with her baby and maybe watching a movie. She didn't think so and had rather considered she'd of been having a party. Like Sparkling, Rock Chick saw her self on cam and had to adjust the camera angle, because it wasn't to her liking. I could see Rock Chick was happy though, a kind of contented look was on her face. Perhaps this was to do with the fact she might be the baby food machine, but it was Daddy Dangerous who was the major poop, nappy changer. She seemed to think she got off lightly earlier in the day, when Babyfro had filled a nappy with a right stinker. This seems to be the thing babies do, feed, pee, poo and very slowly interact with the world. Momma Rock is definitely Dangerous Daddy is so hands on. Awwwe.  Dangerous poopman Daddy lol.  Which is a lot different from doing stunts on a BMX bike, rock climbing, or skateboarding tricks. Dangerous is getting to grow and mature to the nth degree.  In no time he'll have got the art of stinky nappy changing off to a fine art.

So Rock Chick, a very wonderful happy birthday to you, I miss you all and go and treat yourself to a glass of wine, I'm sure you deserve one.

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