Sunday, June 30, 2013

Having a walk and getting sore feet

The mornings are bright, sunlight shines through the curtains and it wakes me up. Even if I don't want to wake up I have little choice in the matter. This as well as the pigeons in the roof clattering the tiles on their way out. I thought it was later, but it was just after 6 a.m. and I was up. My room was hot as well. It must be the start of real summer. So hot I was just sleeping ontop with no covers. Trying to get back to sleep was useless so I got up, had some brekky and then decided to hit the road's for a long walk spending about four hours. With a couple of little sit down stops on the way. Damn my feet killed me. If you go walking get proper walking shoes, I can feel the pain now. The sun caught me and my arms are red as well. Burnt arms, tired feet and unable to sleep. The last days of June 2013 disappear. As they do we get closer to Christmas. Which is another thought in itself. One I'd rather not think about.

While out I was amazed at the number of joggers there were. It seems going for a Sunday run is the in thing nowadays. They are of all different ages, even some quite older women. I saw one woman who must of had her husband with her. Except he was not running. He sat on his cycle and kept pace with her. She might not of been going fast but it seems to me to be a lazy thing to do. I could never see Sparkling going for a run, but she'd follow me if she was not wobbly on the bike. I'd be the one doing the hard graft and if we had a hill to go up she'd make me push the bike, probably with her on it. All of a sudden it seem like a bad idea. I must admit though watching all those people out and running made me think back to the time I was a few stone lighter and running myself. I don't think there was anyone today who would of been trouble to beat in a race. I did see one young man, dressed up in fancy running gear and I thought he was a snob. I so wanted to run like a greyhound and show him. Pitty I'm a short fat middle aged man. I'm getting on and it is so much easier not to run but walk, catch a bus or get on a train.

One things for sure, I can't eat chocolate as much as I used to without the consequences. Maybe this I know have a reason to find a pair of trainers. No, I'd rather do it to wipe the smile of arrogant shites thinking they are fit. I rub my jelly like belly and realise even with the greatest will in the world some realities have to be overcome.  Tomorrow, I'll probably get on the train again as well.

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