Monday, October 09, 2006

Little Monster Tears

This evening I left Little Monster Boy in tears, I am ashamed of myself. It was all a matter of going to bed. Silly Sophia was trying to get him into a routine, but try was the word. 'He was persistent in finding his way back downstairs from his bedroom' she'd say, or he'd stay up all night and end up falling to sleep in school. This was not a good situation to be in for a growing monster. Though with family life unsettled this behaviour may even be considered normal in the circumstances. So tonight I had a go at putting Little Monster Boy to bed and learnt the meaning of bedtime battles.

I asked him at least a thousand times to put his PJs on, I rationalized the importance of getting a good nights sleep, it was necessary to grow I stated. I even argued when Little Monster Boy goes to school he needs to be fresh and bright to learn things. At which point his reply was "I know one add one is two," it wasn't quite what I had in mind. He deviated the conversation, told me he wasn't listening, avoided eye contact whenever I spoke of bed or PJs, continued playing with his toys, spoke out loud about nonsense things, and re wrote the entire book for nearly 6 years olds on how to procrastinate going to bed.

This led to action. I took him upstairs on 4 occasions, carrying him on two and gently dropped Little Monster on bed. Unfortunately it was also time for me to go, but I'd already given him a kiss and said "Good night." Just as I was leaving Silly Sophia told me the Monster would be up in 5 minutes after I left. I thought ok, I'll go out side and then count to ten and knock on the door again. At which point she would say to Monster Boy, Crazyfridayman was here. The door closed. I stood there counting, and heard speaking behind the door. It opened. Little Monster Boy had opened it and he had tears in his eyes and on his cheeks rolling down. He was so very sad about having to go to bed. But he also wanted to say goodnight and hug me. I held him, told him I loved him and it was very important to get sleep. With one finger I touched a tear on his cheek then smeared it away. He played with the arm of my glasses. Then I left.

The emotion of children is there for all to see, they are in this sense an open book and have difficulty in hiding both happiness and sadness, but that's one of the most wonderful things to love them for. Now if only we were all open books perhaps the world would be better. However, mostly speaking Little Monsters are open books, but were all Big Monsters there wouldn't be much space in the world to house us, being that there is so little land and so much sea. It was then it occurred to me. The seas were so big, because many people had shed tears throughout their life.

Hey I got a life vest with my name on it, and have the name of a man who can get them whole sale, ring me on ............

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