Friday, October 06, 2006


Sometimes nothing happens, other days lots of things happen, so many it could be called a smarty day. Each different colour an item, each little chocolate something to dwell on. Other days the smarty box is empty and the day seems a complete and utter bore, it somehow passes by, bed followed by sleep and a new day.

In democratic society we have the freedom to chose whatever smarty we want, we can talk about them, eat them and even think about them. We may share those thoughts with others or keep them to ourselves. But of all things, the thoughts which go through your mind are your own. Further which can be an ass is they may even be difficult to control. For example someone says "don't think of the colour red" and you think of it. But it doesn't mean you want to be red, live life in red, taste red, throw a party in red or swim in the red sea with your mouth open. Thinking about something is not the same as doing it. Nor is writing about it. But it is your freedom to do this. When someone says "I didn't like it because you thought of red" what can you say? There is no answer because how can you stop your thoughts? They are not censored, held at ransom or stood up before a wall to be shot at dawn. Democratic society allows freedom to think as well. To the extent it even allows extremists or moderates or indifference to think of any colour they like. To tell someone they should stop is not going to happen. Because thoughts are free things. Like the random fluttering of a butterfly on a hot day, being tumbled around by gentle breezes. The thoughts don't matter it's the realities which do. So perhaps it's sad some people chastise us for our thoughts, yet if we were to say what are your inner thoughts, tell me. They may not say a thing, it's their privilege.

Oh I dropped my smarties on the table there for all to see, they are multicoloured and I'm sure some people don't like the red ones. If they tell me fine, but if get upset about it then consider this, "let your own thoughts be critiqued and how would you feel?"

Maybe I should take my smarties, eat them in a quite cupboard where no one can see me, hear me or have any notion of what my favourite colours are, of course I'm only going to know when I turn the light on, and then it's not a matter of thinking about them but rather eating them. Coz thinking about a smarty is definitely not the same as eating a smarty.

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