Sunday, December 14, 2008

If no one is in the forrest when the tree falls does it make a sound?

Sparkling misread my last blog and thought I had been trying to electrocute myself. It's what happens when you speed read over something. I don't mean electrocution. I mean misread.

Today Mr and Mrs Talkative came over with the not so talkative children. They were given their Christmas presents early and proceeded to open them with the zest a child usually has. Something an adult can never really do. Unless they still have a little child deep within their personality, or are suffering from some mental illness. Though I'd hope the two are quite different.

I needed a walk so took along Princess T with me. She is only 6 years old but has taken on a growing spurt. So much so, her ankles are now showing in her tracky bottoms. Her hand was small in my own as we walked around the lake, and her fingers got cold. I kept holding her hand in both of mine to help warm it up. She was a little concerned about the route we took worrying a little, but I persisted and we walked all the way round the lake and back home. As she had shoes on I picked her up and carried her under my arm whenever there was a puddle. She is such a sensitive little soul. Last time they visited I played draughts and when I took 3 pieces in one go she began to cry. It was stupid of me. So I put her pieces back on the board and learnt the lesson it was me who was supposed to cry (pretend) while she whooped me. It was only fair because little princesses are supposed to win.

As the house was full, the leaning tree decided to fall over. It did so and took with it some decorations. Big momma said "oh noooo" but it can't be helped when the uninitiated in instruction reading are allowed to put up Christmas trees. We quickly put it back up again and it leaned a different direction as though it was fed up with leaning one way and needed a change.

I spoke to Sparkling who told me of her night out. She had taken off her boots and when she did her feet swelled up to the point she could not put her boots back on. So in her intoxicated state decided to borrow L & B man's trainers. These are a whopping size 11, big foot trainers. On the way back home with this clown like footwear Sparkling fell over and landed on her arse. OUCH. Next time she goes out for a social and alcohol I advised she take her own trainers. I'm sure though if I said this to her in person I'd be getting one of them thrown at me. For having a big mouth.

Note, I have not and do not ever intend to electrocute myself. If I am found one day suffering from such a shock you are free to suspect foul play.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog.

crazyfirdayman said...

Thanks Carlos, I wish more people would comment and read it.