Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Teenager is making me grey, bald and in need of a face lift

It is notorious the world over the effects teenagers have on their parents. Every parent was once a teenager, but it doesn't make the situation any more easier to deal with. At this moment in time Rock Chick has learnt the secret and dangerous art of how to make me and Sparkling Eyes grow old. I check my hair in the morning to see if it is all there, to see how much of it has migrated, to see how much has turned grey. If the light is dim enough I get away with the thoughts maybe there has been no change. But then, Sparkling says something I hadn't even considered was happening. She tells me I'm losing hair from the back of my head. An acute sigh is released from my lungs, because I can't see the back of my head it must be OK. But how wrong it appears I am. Unless Sparkling is just saying this to make me worry and make a bad situation even worse, folliclely speaking.

Rock Chick has a boyfriend. He's a little bit older, not much but a little and in teenage years a little can be a lot. Although Rock feels she has "control of the situation" I get that feeling which says when someone says they have control, it means they don't. They say it because they need to hear it for themselves, it's not for the benefit of other's. This makes me worry. So another hair goes grey or another wrinkle appears. Those crows feet are beginning to look like eagles feet now. I don't know what it is like to be a teenager in today's world. But I do know what is on the mind of boys. I do know there is actually nothing on a boys/teenager/young male's mind other than one thing. The one thing I don't want to mention. So I will not. But my own want is for Rock to get on with her education and understand her choices of today and the next 3 or 4 years could effect the rest of her life. I want the best for her in every respect. If I could put her into a biological suspended animation so she could concentrate on studies, getting exams and then concentrating on University I'd get to the Doc as quickly as possible. At the same time if she is to make mistakes in her life then she has to learn and will only learn from her own mistakes. Even if I can see her walk into one, as though a blind man were about to walk over a cliff. I can't do anything, if I did then I would seem like the bad guy. The big bad man who would not let Rock Chick do what she wanted. Then she would go out and do whatever she wanted to do and spite would be the reason. God how teenage girls are so ruled by hormones.

When I got drunk. I spoke to L & B man about it. I told him my concerns and I also wandered how he had managed to come through those same concerns with his own daughter. I then noticed his grey whisps are more pronounced than usual and thought of University Girl. In the meantime Sparkling is taking drugs to calm her blood pressure. I'm having sleepless nights, nose bleeds, bloating, farts and an over liking towards alcohol. Though I'm sure it's not all down to Rock Chick, the grey hair, eagles feet and balding or thinning spots may well be. Personally, I'd love to get a cattle prod, the type which has high voltage electric shocks running through them, and with every horny teenage boy who looks at Rock Chick I'd like to see how high pitched they scream when a few spare volts goes through their nether regions. OK I know you can't protect them all their life, but hey the mains electricity supply has been quite stable for many years.

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