Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A cold morning and adrenaline pens

This morning was cold, I left the house and was greeted by a mist, it stretched down the road becoming thicker in the distance and obscuring houses, lamp posts and dogs.  In fact the dogs had to check out the lampposts twice to make sure they were pissing in the right place.  It's important knowing where to piss.  I thought it was going to be cold when I got up out of bed.  I had the chilly feeling.  Fortunately I'd hit the local market and bought a couple of thermal vests just for such an occasion like this.  The only problem was, when I bought them I wasn't so sure about the size to get.  The young man who was selling them picked out a medium saying it was my size.  This morning when I put it on, I wasn't so sure.  It felt tight.  I thought to myself, blimey this must be what L & B man feels like when he puts one of his girly glamorous t-shirts on.  He's got a thing for t-shirts.  I felt like the Michellin Man and wondered if it was going to cut off the circulation to various parts of my body.  I could see my lower half withering away and becoming useless from the waist down.  When did I get so fat?  It just kind of crept up on me from nowhere.  Nevertheless the thermal vest did it's job, I was well layered when I went out and felt warm enough to get by.  The problem was once reaching the Fish Factory it had to come off.  There was no way I could endure the rest of the day chopping up fishes feeling this hot.  Another day maybe.

Sparkling has told me how she has now been given another medication to take the rest of her life.  She suffers from dry eyes.  Further the allergy quack seems to have given up on trying to diagnose what it is which makes her react.  On one occasion she had annaphalatic shock and had to be rushed to hospital.  She now has two epi pens.  These are adrenaline pens which you stab yourself with in the case of a severe allergic reaction.  If Sparkling doesn't get to use the pen on herself other people around her may have to, but if they don't use it properly and stab their own finger they could end up losing the finger.  Not losing as in lost and found, but having it amputated.

Now there's one prick you never want to experience.

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