Saturday, November 06, 2010

A Day in the Attic

I have been set with a Herculean task further had I not made a start on it L & and B man was going to have a word with me.  The sort which begins with "Slaggg!!!!!!! Why haven't you got your arse up in that attic."  The Slagg bit is his term of endearment, it means in man-language he loves me.  But I don't interpret this for him because then he'll call me a shirt lifter.  So yep.  My task was in the attic.  Trying to find out where the wires are for an electrician who is doing a rewire for Sparkling.  The problem is, the attic had twenty years of black sacks full of things, baby clothes, shoes, defunct toys, electrical things, jigsaws you name it, it was there.  Although not a kitchen sink.  But it wouldn't of surprised me had it been.

For hours I took these sacks down from the attic, Sparkling then had the task of sifting through each one and declaring what could be thrown or kept.  As I returned with more sacks to the living room I'd hear an "arrrrrh, your baby coat" at which she would hold up the coat and wave it at Rock Chick, who in turn would also say "arrrrh."  I'd look at it and reply "it don't fit now" then Sparkling would decide the said item should be kept.  It was very difficult sifting through the sacks because each one held memories of different times and events.  Photographs of this or that, sparked a train of recollections.  Eventually after quite some time and daylight had disappeared it was all finished.  So with help from Dangerous Sports lad the lot was put back.  Sparkling was wavering on account of being out on the tiles the night before.  But I don't know where I had a third wind and hoovered up making sure everything looked relatively spick and span.  Very nice.

Problem is I still haven't had time to locate the wiring, but at least it is a little tidier.  I may have to hit the DIY store to see if I can get some of those face masks.  Not to frighten anyone, but to lift the insulation up while looking for cables.  Sparkles is off to her Fish Factory to do a shift so I'm on my lonesome.  Well except of Rock and Dangerous.  Mind I don't think I should stay around otherwise I'll be doing the washing up all day long. Blimey for a moment the attic seems like easy work.

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