Sunday, March 13, 2011

Walking off an attitude

Two in one day (blogs).  What can I say?  Not much.  I went for a nice long walk this morning after my earlier blog. At the end of it I was knackered, just over two miles.  I got to the supermarket and there was a crowd of people waiting to go in.  All I needed was shaving foam and mouth wash, so bought two of each and headed back to base.  Eventually at home I take out the tins and find they are shaving gel.  I'd bought the cheapest items on the shelf and it was the wrong stuff.  Now I'll have to use it and work up a lather out of the gel rather than instant foam.  Funny thing was I held the tins in front of my face and thought I had read what was on the labels.  I still need to calm my head and get control, get some exercise.  Chill out. 

Yesterday when the the train came into it's destination, the two doors slid open, as they do automatically and one man stood in the way on the side I was..  My usual pissed off mood came through with twats who like to try and get on the train when I've hardly had a chance to get off the train..  I said "let the people off the train first," his brain must of been disconnected from his limbs because it hardly registered.  So I just stood there for a moment.  He sort of shuffled but ineffectively to my left then stepped up part into me.  I was pissed off.  Pissed off and yet calm.  I didn't give a shit.  So shouldered past him as I got off the train.  Then called out "tosser."  If I carry on like this I'm going to get into a fight.  Better see if I can get some knuckle dusters mail order.  Wonder if they're on Amazon.

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