Monday, February 27, 2012

The 2012 Oscars, where did I put my bucket

The Oscars have been given out to glamorous rich actors, with lots of crocodile tears and equally crocodile emotions.  Except for the wit of host Billy Crystal, nine times host.  When I saw him I thought there is someone who has had a little bit of surgery.  His forehead looked so stretched and large I kept thinking of some sci fi film I saw ages ago but couldn't quite put  a name to the title.  Billy presented well, you could tell he had put a lot of practice for his speech, and although rehearsed it was still funny, some of his lines were ironic, sarcastic and darkly biting all with smile.  This man was lathering up the irony like a fat American layering yet more peanut spread and jelly on his sandwich.  I wondered to myself how sarcasm, subtle biting wit and comment was such an British trait and how on earth would America appreciate his performance.  Fortunately it was beamed to the UK so we could appreciate it. Some of Billy's comments were:

"...Hollywood tradition that not only creates memories for the ages but also breeds resentment that lasts a lifetime."   

What a reflection this is of the movie industry and shallowness of actors. Further I couldn't help think this man must be a silent socialist.  The audience laughed, it was a true gag, I'm sure the politicians and bankers didn't though.

"Nothing can take the sting out of the world's economic problems like watching millionaires present each other with golden statues." 

Again although the acting profession is incredibly well paid, parts of it, not all of it I guess, it lives in a world of it's own. In another twist of irony revealing the cultural divide of black and white America he said:

"After I saw The Help I just wanted to hug the first black woman I saw, which from Beverly Hills is a bout a 45 minute drive."

And for one of Hollywood's greatest female actors he said:

"Please welcome the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Angelina Jolie."  It was Angelina who wore a black velvet dress which had a split up one side and in order to show her leg she strutted one hip out.  I suppose she thought it was the best way to get noticed, but the truth be said she probably needed a get a ride and was hoping to stop passing traffic.  Talking about dresses, I'll just add this one point.  Meryl Streep winner of an Oscar for a tragic and mind numbing performance of one of the world's most hated women, looked like she was wearing a pair of gold curtains for a dress.  You would of thought she could of got something a bit newer, I'll expect there is a store wondering where it's Chrimbo decorations have gone.  Meryl darling, you really don't want to ever interview in the UK and comment on that film, next time your guaranteed an egg if not a cabbage thrown at you.  Ignorance is not an asset, you should of refused the script.  Stick to singing on hot islands in the Mediterranean.

When looking at the comments and reviews of the Oscars ceremony they are remarkably mixed.  Some people seem to have taken offence to Billy Crystal, some not even sure who he is.This shows the incredible spread of views and varying levels of ignorance.  Oops there goes that word again.  At least there is one thing which can be said, it was entertaining.  I nearly filled my puke bucket.

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