Saturday, February 25, 2012

A happy drunk with an opinion or two

Last night I got blootered, or drunk.  I had been so good all the week, barely drinking or over eating but last night it stopped when I had slightly too much Guinness.  It was odd how easily the first pint went down, how good it tasted.  The other pints were not as good as the first one.  I rang up L & B man and got into a drunken chat with him.  He was sobre.  I wasn't.  But it's always good to talk to someone who is completely sobre and clear headed and make a nuisance of yourself.  I did and enjoyed it.  I would of rang Sparkling but she was at her Fish Factory and she also has s sixth sense about my talking to her when I'm pissed.  This sense means she ignores me.  I told L & B man how much I missed her, which was lots and lots.  She's at work again today and it may be a few days before I actually do get round to chatting with her.  The Guinness was talking and so was I.  Alcohol can be a bad thing in the wrong hands, but in the right hands it can be liberating, relaxing, chilling and bring out those deeper emotional tendencies.  Like the repressed English man becomes a liberated softy, wanting to hug everyone and laugh.  I enjoy humour and it's great to see the funny side of everything.  When normally it could be difficult.

I woke up early this morning and am not sure if this was a side effect of last night's drinking or whether I have just got into the routine.  Early rise and early work.  Toast, tea and radio four.  A listen to the world and how it is doing, a moment of catch up.  Though what is news to some isn't news to others.  As I wondered who it was who chose what would be discussed and presented as news.  For whoever it is they make decisions which influence everyone else.  What they consider to be important might not be so important.  Know what I mean?  Or am I talking dribble?  Some times I switch to a different radio channel and listen to other views of the world.  There's a chat show which is quite entertaining, it always seems to fly by as well.  People phone in to give their opinions and then the host will either entertain them or cut them off or even argue the caller is an idiot and then cut them off.  Chat show hosts have a lot of power, especially in their own shows. They then completely influence the tone and political leaning of the show they run.  They are not neutral.  Maybe this helps with advertising, but it also results in listeners changing opinions, especially those who can not think for themselves and accept blindly what another says.  I hope I never get to be a sheep.  Let me be a goat any day of the week, or night come to think of it.

When in the pub, one drinking companion couldn't believe what I said on a particular subject.  He thought because the legal system had said one thing I should believe it.  He seemed to get his knickers in a twist.  Then I hit him with the killer punch.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion and he had more than most.  It's odd turning the table on someone who then has to face their own form of discussion and doesn't know how to deal with it.  I walked out of the pub swaying from side to side, happy and entertained.  It's good having a band of people to regularly talk to, unfortunately this group is slowly disbanding.  Retiring or going to other pubs to drink.  If this goes on I'll be giving up the few pints I consume and going sobre.  Which is something to think about, or have a drink on.

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