Monday, September 10, 2007

Bits and pieces

It's been a bits and pieces day. Where nothing large enough has taken up my waking thoughts to dominate my BLOG, except of course for a very recent discussion with Sparkling Eyes. Who said I'd been unfair in my birthday blog. Because she had put up with me for 10 years. Were I to have written a full blog I'd mentioned it would of taken up 100 pages she said more like 100,00 pages. And called me boring. Yes boring.


I rang a roofing contractor up, they are going to come round and have a look on Wednesday. I wonder if he's got his own Tommy gun. It's the quick old way of getting rid of pigeons. Watch this space. Had a comment on a blog which suggested the story was clever. I hope it is not thought as fictional because it's real. The hob nailed booted pigeons are still there. I checked them again this morning, after again waking up to the clatter of roof tiles.

The Team Leader Fish to our fish pool is leaving. Shame coz he is actually a nice bloke, someone who you can talk to and respect, although he talks to quite a lot of people and hardly ever sits in his fish chair doing his fishy business. He's still a nice bloke.

Birthday soon looms, such is life. Someone shoot me. No, someone shoot the pigeons then I'll sleep thru the morning, thanks.

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