Monday, September 03, 2007

Cat sitting comes to an end

Yesterday the Talkatives returned and I finished cat sitting. They looked tired and refreshed. I asked Little Angel if she could speak any Spanish and she said "adios" quite appropriate in the circumstances. I was happy when I saw them. For some reason I felt emotional. It has been some years since they had a holiday and it was just wonderful to see them all. They needed it and enjoyed it thoroughly.

As I had spent quite a lot of time doing the garden, it was also good to see dog, cats and Talkatives outside enjoying their own garden. Little Angel shot her dog with a water pistol and found it highly amusing.

I took Long Haired boy back with me, and it was obvious his demeanour had become less happy. It was with my own sadness I saw Silly Sophia's front room and wept inside for the lives of her children. For the poverty she allowed herself to dwell in, and for the poverty of her children's lives. Being poor doesn't mean you have to be without self dignity and composure, without happiness or self value. I really do cry inside.

On a much lighter front I was told of Rock Chick getting herself drunk, spending most of a day with a hangover and head in a bucket. Sparkling Eyes telling me she'd taken photo's and how Rock Chick just wasn't cut out for being one of the boozing types. I asked for a picture, but of course was not going to get one and was subsequently threatened with ex communication if I'd asked again.

This morning I go back to the Fish Factory with indifference I wonder whether that's good bad or just of no consequence. Thank heavens for Sparkling Eyes, i thought of her as I hugged myself to sleep.

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