Monday, September 24, 2007

Catch up Homer

Got to speak to Sparkling Eyes and feel a lot better for it. She'd been dangling me on a chain, swinging it about and then putting me through a mangle. No doubt i deserved it. She's probably nodding her head right now. She told me how she'd got a bargain on 600 doughnuts for 15 pence, but they had to be eaten today. My eyes widened so I asked if she could put a few in the freezer for me. Then I got told off for thinking of my belly. Seems to me I'm going to start looking like Homer Simpson. Well, if you gotta have a hero why not Homer I ask.

The pigeons are still there, though I have fantasized about dressing up in a Ninja outfit climbing up the wall and knocking them off their perch. But real life don't happen this way. It rained pretty hard this morning so I expect my feathered nemesis's decided to stay in for an extra long snooze. A small part of me is wondering if i'll get pigeon-fancier-lungs, I hope not.

Got a ticket to see Sparkling Eyes, can't wait. We're going to see a rock concert of some kind as well. The Twang. As long as they sing quitely and I can hear myself think i'll be ok. Hmm wonder if they like doughnuts?

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