Saturday, September 08, 2007

Roof Pidgeon Carpenters

This morning I woke up early, for two reasons. Firstly because I'm in a waking up early frame of mind, and have been in it for the last week, and secondly I had no choice. Pigeons in the roof and possibly an assortment of other birds were having their usual morning Disco. I'm sure the pigeon dance king aka John (Red Beak, head hopping) Travolta Pidgeon was putting on yet another display of his foot work. No doubt trying to pull in the birds so he could get a leg over. But I'd wish he'd go and do his goose stepping in someone elses roof.

The roof and the birds has been a problem vexing me for a number of years. My first method of solution is just to ignore it. Like I suppose all men. We're of the breed, if something needs to be done ignore it first because it might go away. Particularly because sorting out the roof means buying a new ladder, at some expense and then even worse having to go up the thing. Alternatively I could get a man in go up there and sort them out, but you just never know if the person you get in will actually do the job. If I do it myself I then got a set of ladders and it probably hasn't cost me a great deal more than it would do to hire the man.

I've spoken to the cat. Who nowadays resembles more of a teddy bear than a cat and he's got cataracts. I said to him to try a bit of pigeon, and it's about time he earned his weight. I'm sure Tigger didn't take in a word, probably through indifference, ignorance of the human language and his greater interest in cat biscuits. Which may be just a small bit more than my sudden binge last night of chocolate digestives. I think I downed 8 or 9 of them with a cuppa tea. But still the question of the birds remains.

So if there happens to be one person with an idea which might help and is reading this probably ignored BLOG, drop a comment and I'll read it later.


Proffer5 said...

Clever tale.


crazyfirdayman said...

The accounts on here are in most part true and real life. The pigeons are real. This morning they again reminded me of their reality.