Thursday, September 20, 2007

No ringing

I sit and wait. Sparkling Eyes should be ringing me but the phone don't make a sound. It's there on the desk. Silent. Am not going to will it. It's not up to me.

Saw Long haired boy and Dancing girl this evening, they asked for some help with their homework, so a sprinkled some fairy dust on it. Which washed away unneeded words. I left their work all in the words they used, just fewer of them. Yet reading much clearer. Little Monster Boy had no homework to show me. Considering last time I went round he got upset with me putting him on the naughty step. I became the big bad uncle. It took longer getting Monster Boy to do his homework by his avoiding it, than the time to complete his homework. So much energy gone to waste. I wish I'd had an Uncle like me who made me get on with my work and gave me help when I needed it.

Went to bed early last night after all. Must of slept for 11 hours. When I hit the hay my head felt like a steal band had tightened around it and was crushing my brain. I'm taking ecineacia pills as well. Hopefully they will help.

OK looks like I'll give up on the phone. So I can't be important enough. Oh well what can I say, not much apparently.

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