Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Killed the Emperor? - Lets get him!

Imagine this, there you are, a big Stag, no letters removed the adjective, and say magnificent Stag all of 9 feet tall around and about is your hareem of deers.  One of them might be a descendant of Bambi's mum, so she's really hot.  You stick you head up high on alert, and exhale great big condensation clouds in the cool morning air, no other stag dares come on your territory and the darling girls are just queuing up waiting for a bit of attention.  It's rutting season and they love all male strutting and bashing of antlers, then suddenly in this calm and idyllic countryside of Exmoor National Park there is a loud "crack" sound.  You stumble, not knowing what has happened, it certainly wasn't anything you ate, but something is definitely very wrong.  Then there is a second "crack" her hareem scatter leaving you as now you have collapsed in a heap on the ground.  Gasping for breath, straining but the countdown is now nearly over.  The figure of a man walks through the terrain with a purposeful stride, he's accompanied by a few others behind.  You would normally panic, normally run, but nothing works legs wont move.  Finally, your head and beautiful antlers also drop down to the ground, a last signed breath and mixed exhalation of blood and internal pain.  Eyelids closed and darkness forevermore.

This was how the largest stag on Exmoor for many decades has now passed on.  A hunter paid for the privilege of killing the grand and beautiful beast which went by the name of the Emperor.  He must of strayed off public land and onto a farmer's.  As news crews hit the community, no one was saying a thing.  But they know who's land it was on.  The farmer has denied the Emperor even existed.  Except of course for a few thousand pounds extra he now has in his bank account.   His hands are red where he has been rubbing them together from an outward show of greed.  The nation is in shock.  The poor Emperor didn't even have time to service his waiting deers and so pass his genes on. 

Somewhere in a parallel universe, there sits on a bench a Green Peace activist, she pulls out of her pocket a ray gun.  Sights a farmer and then a hunter who vigorously chat about the thrill of a good kill.  She raises her gun and fires.  In one blow both the farmer and the hunter are evaporated.  Two days later she is asked about the disappearance of two men.  Scratching her head  pretending to recall she says "I don't know who you are talking about.  I've just been sitting here watching the beautiful wildlife of this wonderful country now what reason would I ever have for doing away with a farmer and a hunter.  After all, it's not like they are an endangered species."

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