Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Pros and cons of Facebook - hypocrite

A few days ago, actually it was a Sunday to be precise, when I was completely at my wits end as what to do with myself.  The usual stuff.  No mates.  Don't want to go out as it was too cold and windy, no prospect of a chat with Sparkling and only a deranged Big Momma for company and grumpy cat.  I decided to join Face book.  It would give me an avenue by which to chat to some people now and again as well as providing it's own little distractions.  Face book games such as FarmVille and Glory of Rome.  It seems both of which also require friends or communication with other people to increase game status.  Anyway.  I joined it.  So spent a few hours trying to work out what it was about.  What I could and could not do to correct my personal profile, because of course being concerned with personal I.D. theft I'm careful about putting real details of who I am.  Then I was encouraged by the odd person here and there to add them as friends.  So I did.  Then I found I had been tagged on photos, and then I found I started receiving emails.  I think the count must now be in excess of 50 over a couple of days.  Which makes me begin to think it should of be renamed Junk Email book instead.  It seems it don't matter what someone else does in respect of my profile I then receive a notification.  When I don't really give a toss what they are doing, because it's only bits of me on there, not the whole me.  If you know what I mean?  I'm sure you do.

So besides a temporary addiction to a couple of games I'm wondering whether it was a good idea joining it.  Sparkling at first seemed annoyed.  In fact she had a groan at me, telling me I was a hypocrite because I said I would never go on it.  But I had.  I asked her if I should come off Face book and she said "yes" so I'm still on it and I'll make up my own mind when I want to come off it thank you very much.  But, saying this.  What a load of old codswallop people write.  It's nearly as bad as sitting in the pub listening to the Old Witch who should of been burnt at the steak for the dribble she spouts.  In fact this is one reason why I now don't frequent the pub as much as I used to, not to mention a growing waste line.  So at the moment I can't say I am too impressed with it.  I'm trying to see what the attraction is but it is escaping me for the time being.  It's like seeing the trailers for a recently released film, one with a good actor, great special effects, rave reviews and then when I've gone out to see it myself, hopes all high it turns out to be a load of pisshy knickers.  A bit like the smell of Channel 5 by the way.  Which is also a typically hyped up marketing product but even after decades still perseveres.  All I can say is if Face book doesn't show me a side which suggests it's something adults can use rather than adolescent self indulgent teens I'll have to think a little more and decide whether I should become a double hypocrite and kill off my account.  But for now I am enjoying the games.  I can hear someone thinking at the back of the class, "little things for little minds" ha ha, no I say sarcastically, read the dribble on there and you'll know what I mean.

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