Friday, February 11, 2011

They all want a bit of me and then don't listen

How is it possible to foster independence in others?  While at the Fish Factory I am finding as a middle fish a lot of the smaller fishes asking me lots of questions.  It is like they do not have a brain for themselves to go and find the answer or to work it out.  I remember when I was a smaller fish, I would work out for myself the answer and very seldom seek help.  I saw myself as self sufficient.  I could read the bible of fishes decisions, I could read through all the literature and then I would decide on my own what to do given I'd worked it out.  Whereas now, they all seem to come to me.  It's almost as though there is a dependency or denial of seeking their own truths.  It's easier to ask the boss, I'll not work it out.  So goes their brains.  I'm therefore driven to complete distraction and unable to do my own fish gutting which is starting to mount up.  Of course as the pile gets higher it also becomes smelly as well.  So what do I do? What is the answer?  I'm sure having a tizzy fit will not cure the situation, instead it will likely make them scared of me and scared little fishes are hardly going to get on with their job very well.  Perhaps I am treating them too much with kid gloves. Whilst on the other hand there are few options I have.  The tool of giving a verbal reprimand has been taken away.  Again it's a negative thing so would likely do no good.

Unless I can find an answer to this precarious situation I'm going to start losing my hair, become a complete and utter alcoholic and likely a zombie as well.  As well I find there is only so far I can go with these fishes.  I can lead them to water but it's up to them if they drink it.  Right now this bunch get led to water, have a sniff, turn their nose up because it doesn't suit their particular tastes and go walking off into the wilderness.

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