Friday, February 18, 2011

Question Time is hit yet again by time wasting idiots

So there I am catching up on Question Time from the BBC iplayer, and as I'm watching the panel get questions from the audience.  I'm beginning to think there happens to be a number of morons amongst the overseers.  I look at the individuals asking questions, then spend a moment of my very personal time and attention listening.  My life ticks away like a clock. I wonder what they are trying to say and unfortunately come to one sad conclusion. Even on TV, a significant number of idiots slip through the vetting process.  If indeed there is a vetting process for audience members.  It is as though these sub normal participants have eventually got their heart's desire and noticed on prime time national TV.  If, it is said everyone is allowed 15 minutes of fame, it would seem this is the place to get it.  Put in an application to be part of the audience on a politically based TV show and talk a load of bollocks just because the camera is on you and they can't be impolite and tell you to feck off.  Which is the BBC for you.  There are no bouncers or apparent security personnel.  If there are they are very polite and stay in the shadows.  Why on earth can't the intellect sucking leaches be evicted?  Thrown out on their ears.  Given the boot.  Pulled of with a Shepard's crook.  Dropped in the muck.  Placed anywhere but certainly not in this time, place or event. 

Wow, got that off my chest and feel a lot better for it.

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