Monday, December 19, 2011

Music and seat dancing

It's been a while since I listened to music on my MP3 player.  It has been misplaced in a pocket somewhere and it's a matter of finding it.  So once in a while in the evenings I find myself venturing onto YouTube to listen to music videos.  Yesterday it was songs with the Ukelele, which I am sure is an incredibly underrated instrument, maybe I say this because I got my eye on buying one for myself and learning.  This evening I popped on YouTube again and caught up with a little more of Steph Stephenson, a young lady with loads of talent just waiting to be given a break.  Well she had written a comment on one of my BLOGs so I felt obliged to go and listen to some more of her work.  She's a passionate in her music and it comes through in her songs.  It's odd though how missing out on something like an MP3 player can make you want to stop, pause, and seek out that something which has been missing.  Until that is I get my Uke, then I'll be able to make my own music.  OK learning how to play the thing has got to come first, but it does only have four strings so it has got to be less complicated than any other stringed instrument.  I mean four strings.  How hard can it be?  I'll find out if this notion doesn't fly away on a wing and a prayer, hopefully not before I've composed my first song, or learnt someone elses song and played it.  Taking it for granted I can even remember the words.  I'll probably start of with something simple like Ten Green Bottles.  I mean, four strings.

It's getting cold outside and Chrimbo is on the way.  The two just happen this year to be related, usually it doesn't get to be cold until late January and then into February, but we may well have a white Chrimbo.  Watch this space.

I've now hopped into YouTube again with a song by Adele, an awsome artist, original music, her own words, written when she was sad and lonely and expressing herself "someone like you" a brilliant song.  I then find myself singing even though I don't know the words and I to am singing with passion, with my heart hoping I'm a little bit in tune.  A little bit is good enough.  I'm tired though because I didn't sleep again last night.   Damn, I think I got a good voice, heck when nobody listens the voice is excellent, it's what other people think.  Shame.  Ok now dropped in to hear a Maroon 5, "moves like Jagger,"  OK am dancing in my seat.  It's called seat dancing, yep we've all done it.  It's the beat I can't help it my body has taken over.   Well that's over with, now for some Amy Winehouse and "monkeyman."  Well who'd of believed the best way to keep warm on a cold night was to do some seat dancing.

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