Friday, December 09, 2011

The Old Witch is funnier than you think

I popped into my local for my one pint of Guinness, or rather two tonight.  Then found myself at the end of a seat next to the Old Witch.  I can tolerate her company but it's difficult.  Especially not being able to get a word in edge ways when she is on a role.  She's like this with other people and a lot of just can't stomach her opinions.  Overbearing can be a word which comes to mind.  But after my first pint and then realising I shouldn't try to get into a conversation with her because a conversation is a two way thing I sat and listened.  She said when she was a girl (a pretty long time ago that was as well) she used to make Dundee cake.  "You know what it's like" she said.  "It had to have all those peels and then the blanched nuts.  We used to start in January."  I nodded my head. "It took forever."  Then "that's why I go to Marks and Spencer's now."  I don't know why but this made me laugh.  It could be because in the last hour or so at the fish factory things had got real manic, moaning fish left right and centre.  I should of got out of there earlier.  So the pub was an absolute must.

There happened to be a group of people in the back having a Chrimbo meal.  A few ladies walked through the front of the pub to the back.  One of them had a paper hat on, the kind which comes out of a cracker.  The Old Witch said, "look at her.  Or is it a him, what does she look like?" Of course I didn't answer this as maybe the start of the second pint was starting to hit me and you really shouldn't encourage comments about the way people look.  I should know I'm scarred by Sparkling saying I dance like a spazz.  Anyway the Witch went on "I can't tell if it's a woman or a man."  It was a woman but perhaps a little on the larger side.  I She looked through the pub to the back and began again.  "There's a few of them there, what do they look like?  Where on earth do they get those clothes from?  Look, look, at the one with the red hat." This was a red cowboy type of hat with white tinsel around it, obviously Chrimbo related.  "You should see them later in the night.  They come in here looking like tarts... mutton tarts."  I don't know what the Witch had been drinking but she certainly was on form. 

At some point in the evening a young lad came in and sat opposite the Witch.  I was introduced to him, Cambridge lad who had just got a pretty easy job doing very little.  She had known his mother and he saw her like a second mother.  Their banter was funny as well.  Unlike me he, told her she was not listening to him or giving him a chance to answer her questions.  Then somewhere out of the blue he slipped in a remark the Old Witch was paranoid and bi-polar.  In a humorous way.  But he had certainly hit a point most others would not speak allowed.  She was not offended by him.  They got on well and he left after a soft drink.  What an interesting short stop in the pub I thought.   After this I braved the weather and stepped out into the chilly air.  Calmed and happy to head home, it must of been the effects of the Guinness and a laugh.. 

This evening I found even those with mental health problems can have a sense of humour and even be company.

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