Sunday, November 11, 2012

Breaking depression

I have just seen a movie about a man who suffers from depression and as a way out of it uses a puppet. The puppet becomes his alter ego. He is obviously ill and this is the only way he can cope with his illness, but it is a constructive way. This makes me wonder about depression in society as a whole. How it is everywhere around us. There are a lot of people who have it in varying degrees during their life. The way the cope with it is admirable, but it is obviously there and difficult to overcome. To prescribe a pill such as prozac is not the solution to a big societal problem.  It is societal as well. For society does not allow people to be or do what they want.  At the same time this is putting the blame outside of the individual and taking away from them their own responsibility to cope with a situation. To be the best we can be is to climb a hill. It's tough going but it can be done.  It is to climb the hill against the expectations of others and to go with our own expectations.  Our own desires, to go into the unkown and face up to it.  A similarity would be man's first step on the moon. But this is individual.  To some extent getting to the moon was easier.  For it involved a team of people with one objective, there and back. Dealing with depression is to find it's underlying cause, to go there and come back from it.  Like staring into space. Throwing pebbles into a pond, observing, waiting and seeing what happens. The eureka moment is doing what has to be done. A frightening and exhilarating thing. it's there, right there, as clear as the nose on your face. It's not a pill or a puppet on a hand. The answer is in the unknown, the process.

Now I'm not going to get a puppet, but I will write a few lines. From the edge of darkness into a big bright light. Here comes the sun.

1 comment:

Helena said...

Intense and so, so poignant for me!