Sunday, November 25, 2012

Food is expensive

Yesterday i took Monster Boy to the Science Museum in London. To begin with he was not much company. I think it's probably a matter of spending too much time on his laptop and not getting enough sleep. For an eleven year old sleep is important. He tells me he gets up at six a.m. I don't know why but he does. It took half a day before he began to come around. The Science Museum was OK but I'm starting to think it's a bit on the boring side. It's the second time I've been there in about five years and there has been very little change to it. The exhibits look great but old, they need to inject some kind of newness back into it. Have different themed exhibitions during the year. Perhaps change them according to the season. We found the cafe downstairs and I saw the price of a cup of tea had been set at £2.30. I was desperate for a cup but there was no way I would succumb to this extortionate rate.public rip off.  There happened to be a free drinking fountain, thank flying pigs water is sometimes free. Although not when it is boiled has a tea bag waved over it and then a splash of milk.

After a round of the Museum we headed outside. Monster became more chatty and it was off to lunch at a Chinese in Wardour Street called the Wong Kei. A place I can barely believe is still in existence and it looked like the waiters hadn't changed since the last twenty years ago I was there.  Monster loved his chicken noodles while I ate beef ho fun. The ho fun had been put on a plate and then the beef and vegetables put on top of it as a second thought. It didn't bring me delight but it filled me up and magically the meal was cheap. Which was what mattered.  In London most restaurants are expensive even the ones which pose as cheap restaurants and have a cafe like appearance. It's as though their cheap look and cozy feel is a red herring just to hook you in and then open up your wallet to find the cashier has just helped themselves to every note there. I don't know if it is me or just a sign of the times. The price of food has gone up, and if it keeps on like this I'll end up losing weight and no longer have the hash tag of fat boy.

I heard on the radio during the week some parents nowadays are missing out on their main meals so they could ensure their children are fed. In this day and age you'd of thought this was something which could not happen.  It must be though, for this is not the only time this story has come out over the last year. Charities are now being set up to distribute food to families who just can not afford to feed themselves. It's the cost of living.  Everything is going up. The recession bites down even harder than it has done before and it continues. And the recession is hungrier than the people. Someone's going to lose out for sure. Perhaps I'll just go and set up a stall oustide of the Science Museum and sell cups of tea for 50 pence. I'm sure there would be a lot more takers than those who use their cafe.  Then there are always idiots who have more money than brains. They probably think going to see scientific stuff will make them smarter, but it just doesn't work this way.  It only took about thirty minutes to get to the Chinese. Even hunger can be put on the waiting list, and I'm sure the Chinese Tea was just as good as the tea in the museum. A lot cheaper anyway.

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