Friday, August 30, 2013

Feeling a little better, but not on top of the world

Today I can feel a difference in this flu like thing. There is a lifting of the symptoms. My head isn't as bad as it has been. But last night I was hit by insomnia, which has got to be due to laying on top of my bed and sleeping the previous 24 hours. Sleep evaded me between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. and I know this because I got up about four times to do little things, get personal radio, a drink, personally count the seconds which passed and then listened to a radio program at 3:00 a.m. about sleep. An expert was on it and answered questions as people rang in and told him about their problems. I should of given him a ring myself, at least it would of given me someone to talk to. Mind considering what time of the morning it was you got to ask yourself if this man is such an expert on this why on earth was he doing a program at this time in the morning? Surely he would know all the things he had to do to be sleeping. Unless he had a thing for being a Z list celebrity by being available at any time of the day and night. One thing I did take note of, if you have to take an afternoon cat nap don't make it more than 40 minutes as it could effect your night time sleep. So said the expert.

Although the head pain is reducing there's a kind of dizzyness. Even sitting still in this seat it's there. Like I could be spinning around in the seat. Or one of those snow scene glass balls you shake, put down on a flat surface and see all the snow wizz around as it settles. Weird. A kind of wizzy snow head feeling. It has got to be connected to balance, somehow my balance mechanism has been effected. In a drunken but not drunk manner. I could have alcoholic beverage and see if it gets any worse although it is just a little early in the day at this time to do so. Mind I never was one for those games where you spin yourself round and round and then stand still to see if you could walk. They make me feel sick. Which is appropriate with being sick anyway. Certainly in this case. I wonder if the human body gets any better or any worse as it ages at coping with sickness, especially when considering it manufactures it's own ant-sick things in the blood stream, what are they called? You know what I mean, the things which attacked the little ship as it went round the human body in inner-space (film), the miniaturised submarine film. I know one thing my memory is certainly getting worse, or it could be the illness which is making it worse. Great. Have a bad memory, well get sick and it gets even worse.

Sparkling is often telling me how she is forgetting things nowadays. In fact the basis of some of our conversations is about things we have forgotten, or her telling me I've already had certain conversations with her and she has to remind me of them. At which point a little bit of recognition flashes up. You are not just the sum of life experiences but also the sum of those memories you can still remember. Which is an odd thing. One day they will be able to create memories in a milkshake. You just drink it and think you have been on an adventure holiday but never did. I guess the milkshake will probably be a bit more expensive as well on account of putting the memories into the milk. It must be a tough thing to get milk to remember it's been on holiday and done something other than being milk. Well I must be on the mend, my mind is starting to work again it's not like normal but then every mind can't be normal. The normal ones are just plain boring.

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