Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hit by ads in my hotmail account

This evening I accessed my hotmail account only to find slightly off to the right was a garish, dynamic ad. The type where objects move in it. In addition the colours were awful. In fact it was so distracting I couldn't concentrate on reading my mails. In these circumstances there is only one solution and this is to immediately do a google search and find a way out. With the millions of people who use msn and hotmail it will not be long before some bright spark comes along with a cure. One which shunts the ads out of play or reduces the effectiveness. I founds something useful within a few key strokes and am now able to reduce the effect it has on my reading emails. But it is wholly and completely despicable in my opinion. For I am being forced against my will to view ads on every email I read. It is now like SPAM has been taken to a new level, a much higher plane and rather than Microsoft being the good guys they have now become the dastardly villains of the peace. Any comments on how to get rid off them, please, please make them known.

Under the Human Rights Act there is an Article for privacy of home life. This I think should apply to every advertising company which decides to cold call, phone call or mail shot. In this Act if my privacy is invaded and this is exactly what advertising does, then the companies who instigate these actions should be taken to account and stopped. I feel the same way about this as when I find Jehova's Witnesses come knocking at the door, who are then invading my privacy, they have no right in law to minster to someone in their own property if they have been uninvited. If I receive adverting mail in the post I now return it to the sender writing Gone Away across it. I believe the post office then re charge the offending institution for returning their mail back to them. In addition it means this returned mail become waste, which takes up space and has to be handled by someone at their own organization. If I receive a phone call from and a tele sales department I have different tacts. This might be keeping them hanging on the line as long as possible, asking very silly questions, then even pretend I am interested in their product. To end the conversation I'll just suddenly change my mind and then hang up on them. All the time they have been bothering me they can't talk to anyone else. Another way of dealing with them is to go immediately on the attack. Ask them for their full name, ask them for their company's name and address, ask them why they are ringing and how they got my number. They usually just say it was on a data base. I then say it should not be because it is an X directory, I then if I have a choice will ask to speak to their supervisor or manager, and begin all over again. And to finalise my argument I'll ask them if they have considered what they are doing is illegal under the Human Rights Act. As unsolicited advertising and phoning my home they have breached my privacy to home life. A few times they have ended up putting the phone down on me, though I wonder why. But if I get someone who is obviously calling from a third world country and they give me their name only for it to be a traditional English one, I then know they are lieing. My tact now is, to find out where they are calling from and get them to admit this is not their name. Once this has been achieved there is no way I can accept anything they say to me because they have lied and I tell them so. Of course I never give my number out to anyone if I can help it, then I always tick the little box about not wanting advertising or research literature or phone calls. And I keep under the advertising radar as much as I can.

I consider myself green and lucky. Green because fewer trees are being cut down to send me rubbish in my post, and lucky because I very rarely now get any SPAM post, but I've worked at it, worked very hard to get to this place. As for Microsoft, if you carry on like this you'll just lose a customer. It's easy to find other free email accounts or to find temporary fixes around the ads. Now if everyone who reads this sends an email of complaint to Microsoft we might just start to jam up their email box with a variety of rubbish they will have to start wading through. Fingers to your keyboard lets here those keys get tapped.

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